Secondary school and college offer
- Healthy minds resources hub for professionals
- ADHD downloadable resource: Stories That Never Stand Still
- AGENDA free online resource promoting positive relationships in schools and local communities
- Alcohol, smoking, positive relationships, bullying and cyber bullying and others - lesson plans for Key Stage 3 ( KS3) and key stage 4 (KS4)
- An introduction to consent
- Anti-Fraud education lesson plans for Key Stage 3 (KS3) and Key Stage 4 (KS4)
- Bounce Forward - Healthy Minds (curriculum of developmental learning for secondary students)
- Building connections
- Catch On – educational resources about child exploitation aimed at year 7 and 8 (and key stage 4 to key stage 5 SEND students)
- Child sexual exploitation training for staff
- Child sexual exploitation, for staff, e-learning
- Connect: developing online independence and safer connections (CEOP education lesson plans for ages 9 to 12)
- Consent
- Contraception
- Crime and criminality information and resources for students and teachers
- Cyber choices student presentation on the Computer Misuse Act
- Cyber referrals – supporting vulnerable students
- Domestic abuse awareness staff training
- Domestic abuse in practice training for staff
- Domestic abuse policy and procedure advice for staff
- Domestic abuse resources for staff, 'can you see me'
- Domestic abuse resources for staff, 'expect respect'
- E Safety awareness for staff, E Learning
- FGM (abuse linked to faith or belief) e-learning for staff
- FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) for staff, e-learning
- First aid (with alcohol) lesson plans for secondary schools
- First aid at work, emergency first aid at work, paediatric first aid, moving and handling courses for all staff
- Gambling harm prevention workshop for key stage 3 (KS3) and key stage 4 (KS4)
- HIV awareness
- HSBC money management workshops key stage 3 and 4
- HSBC money management workshops key stage 5
- JUST Learning - young ambassador programme
- JUST Learning equality online portal
- Knife crime intervention - The Happening, key stages 3 and 4
- Knife crime workshop for students
- Let’s talk about anxiety: teacher toolkit and animation for supporting key stage 3 (The Anna Freud Centre)
- LGBT hate crime lesson plans - Key Stage 3 (KS3) and Key Stage 4 (KS4)
- Mental health first aid and mental health awareness training for all staff
- Mini first aid teens class for 11 to 16-year-olds
- Missing children in Lincolnshire e-learning for staff
- Modern slavery lesson plans KS3 and KS4
- Nurturing wellbeing in children and young people
- Online safety (virtual workshop)
- Online safety resources for Key Stage 3 and 4 (KS3 and KS4) (ages 11 to 18)
- ORPHEUS - offline and online radicalization prevention holding back extremism and upholding security prevention toolkit (for educators)
- Parental conflict school PSHE and assembly resources and videos
- Pornography for key stage 3
- Positive relationship teaching resources (it's not OK) for key stage 3 (KS3) students
- POWER (Path of Wellness, Empowerment, & Recovery): Healing from Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse (TACSA) – Marie Collins Foundation
- Preparing to drive (years 12 and 13)