Positive relationship teaching resources (it's not OK) for key stage 3 (KS3) students - Stay Safe Partnership


Four lesson plans and films produced by NSPCC focusing on positive relationships for teachers to use with KS3 students.


It's not OK helps children and young people recognise concerning behaviour and identify characteristics of positive relationships. The lesson plans, films and accompanying activities cover what behaviour to look out for and how to respond to it.

Service Description

It’s Not OK reinforces the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships and recognising and responding to behaviour relating to:

  • online safety
  • grooming
  • sexting
  • harmful sexual behaviour
  • child sexual abuse
  • child sexual exploitation

The films have a suggested lesson plan with activities for young people to complete to help them understand the issues that are raised.


These resources and lesson plans are available to download and use whenever you want to.


These resources were developed in partnership with the school of performance and media production at York St John University and are designed to be used with children and young people aged 11+.

The materials can form part of a school’s teaching for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) (England), personal development and mutual understanding (PDMU) (Northern Ireland), and personal and social education (PSE) (Wales and Scotland). The lesson plans can be adapted for use with other audiences and can be delivered in schools or community settings.



Contact and how to book

These resources are free to download.