Contraception - Stay Safe Partnership


Our contraception workshop aims to increase students’ knowledge, skill base and capacity to make rational and informed decisions in their choice of birth control. We also include which forms of contraception will protect from sexually transmitted infections. All approaches to contraception are examined in detail, as well as dispelling a number of classic myths and misconceptions. There is some discussion around teenage pregnancy and the choices available. The workshop also provides information on how and where to access further help if required. 

It promotes a sense of responsibility for looking after your own sexual health through discussion of the necessity of using barrier contraception, regardless of sexuality.

This workshop has group activities and discussions, a condom demonstration, contraception examples and an image-based PowerPoint presentation.

This session works well in all female or mixed groups. However, due to the subject matter it is not as suited to an all-male environment.

Service Description

Positive Health (Lincolnshire) is proud to be one of the biggest providers of PSHE sessions in the county. As a sexual health charity, we concentrate on delivering sessions around relationships and sexual health in an age-appropriate manner.

  • provided to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • appropriate for students in year 9 to 13
  • roughly one hour
  • as a charity specialising in sexual health we have experience dealing with this subject matter and receive regular updates from the local sexual health service
  • the students often interact more openly with an outside speaker about difficult subjects
  • signposting to local and national support services if needed

Our workshops are charged at £80 for a class of approximately 32 students and £220 for a year group assembly.

Contact and how to book