- Provider
- Introduction
Lesson plans and resource pack for staff to deliver lessons covering LGBT hate crime. This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.
- Outcomes
The aims are to provide classroom activities for students in key stages 3 and 4 to:
- support the school’s policy and practice in preventing LGBT prejudice and bullying
- support teachers to challenge and respond to LGBT prejudice and bullying
- empower students to challenge and respond to LGBT prejudice and bullying
- teach students about the legislation relating to LGBT hate crime and its consequences for perpetrators.
The objectives on completing this pack students will understand:
- the damaging effect of LGBT prejudice and bullying on their targets
- what LGBT hate crimes are, see the relationships between them and hostility to LGBT people in school
- how small incidents can escalate into serious incidents if they are not stopped
- that there are steps they can take and they do not have to put up with LGBT prejudice and bullying, either as targets or witnesses
- the potential consequences for people who are convicted of hate crime aggravated by hostility to LGBT people.
- Service Description
Hate crime is any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated, or perceived to be motivated, by hostility or prejudice based upon the victim’s:
- race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins
- religion or belief
- gender or gender identity
- sexual orientation
- disability
- age
Everyone has a right to live without fear and harassment. If an offender targets a victim because of how they look, their gender identity, sexuality or because of their beliefs, the law provides additional penalties. The CPS takes hate crime very seriously and has specific policies in place for each type of offending.
When prosecuting hate crime we will highlight the aggravating features both in our choice of charge and when presenting the case in court.
We also have a role in preventing hate crime. CPS North West has developed free resource packs for schools to help teachers explore issues about hate crime and bullying with young people. We have worked with young people and with partners from the education, criminal justice and voluntary sectors to develop these resources. Each pack contains a DVD with scenarios based on real-life incidents in which young people have experienced bullying or hate crime because of their identity. They also include lesson plans with classroom activities which guide understanding and awareness of hate crime and support the national curriculum. - Cost
- Contact and how to book
The resources can be accessed on the Stop Hate Crime website.