- Prevent - e learning for staff
- Puberty
- Radicalisation and extremism e-learning for staff
- Rail safety resources for teachers (Network Rail)
- Relationship and sex education downloadable resources PSHE association
- Risky behaviour
- RNLI water safety education resources
- Road traffic collision investigation (RTCI) - years 9 and 10
- School security support
- Self-harm e-learning for staff
- Sex and relationships
- Sexual harassment
- Sexual violence for key stage 5
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Shore - a safe space for teenagers worried about sexual behaviour
- Speak out. Stay safe programme for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) schools
- Staff training - cyber security
- STAR SEND Toolkit (Childnet) (KS3 & KS4 SEND)
- Stay safe days 2025 to 2026 - student workshops
- Suicide - how to prepare for and respond to in schools
- Talk Relationships (NSPCC) – delivering sex and relationships education
- The Talk About Trust resources and lesson plans
- Tobacco control education loan resources
- Trafficking, exploitation and modern slavery, for staff, e learning
- Understanding domestic abuse training for staff
- Vaping class resources – ASH downloadable vaping presentations and teacher guidance
- Vaping – key stage 3 form time activities from Better Health
- Young friends
- Young passenger awareness - assembly for year 11