- Provider
- Domestic Abuse in Lincolnshire
- Introduction
Identifying domestic abuse is part of the schools safeguarding responsibilities. This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.
- Outcomes
Lincolnshire County Council’s Domestic Abuse Team can support schools in developing domestic abuse policies and procedures. We can support teachers to access appropriate training and resources that will assist them to identify domestic abuse, assess risk and ensure positive action takes place. This will give schools the confidence to raise the issue with pupils, and give them the tools and resources to deliver healthy relationship lessons.
- Service Description
The free support on offer to schools (nursery, primary, secondary and specialist) is:
- telephone or email support and information on the domestic abuse partnership, domestic abuse protocols and referral pathways
- resources for schools including posters, quiz sheets and leaflets
- direct access to the monthly domestic abuse bulletin
- direction on where to access domestic abuse training for staff
- support in developing internal policies and procedures
- developing new resources
- Availability
Team will cover all schools throughout the county during normal office hours and will respond as quickly as possible.
- Benefits
This support for schools compliments the Governments drive to ensure that Domestic Abuse is everyone's responsibility as part of the latest national Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy.
- Cost
- Website
- Related documents