Online safety resources for Key Stage 3 and 4 (KS3 and KS4) (ages 11 to 18) - Stay Safe Partnership


This resource provides parents, carers and teenagers with links to a selection of resources and activities relating to different elements of online safety.

Recognising the importance of linking your child’s learning at school and from their friends to their life at home, it is recommended you talk to your son or daughter about the risks associated with being online.

The activities cover a range of issues from:

  • online bullying
  • sexting
  • online relationships
  • pressures of a digital world
  • privacy
  • digital footprint
  • self-esteem
  • consequences to our behaviour and
  • where support can be accessed should they come across an issue online
Contact and how to book

First to a Million

An interactive video following a group of friends completing an online challenge to be the first one to get a million views on their channel. The video focuses on a number of different online issues such as online privacy, respect, digital footprint and the permanence of online content. It also looks at consent in both sexual relationship and friendships, as well as peer pressure.

Available from Thinkuknow (FREE registration required)


A package of resources for 8-18 year olds focused on live streaming, looking at the features available as well as the risks to children and young people. For secondary age students, the package contains a live streaming case study and an article focused on identifying and responding safely to online pressures through live streaming services.

Available from Thinkuknow (FREE registration required)

Thinkuknow toolkit

A toolkit containing 15 activities designed for 11-13 year olds and over 14's with a focus on issues related to sex, relationship and the internet, and the negative behaviours they may encounter. It contains printable resources which can be used to deliver sessions enabling discussions and encouraging resilience online, as well as where they can access support

Available from Thinkuknow (FREE registration required)

Digital citizenship: terms and conditions

The Children's Commissioner has produced a simplified version of the terms and conditions that many children and young people agree to without understanding what they mean. In association with TES and Schillings, teaching packs have been produced to enable children and young people to learn more about their rights online when using social media.

Teaching packs can be accessed through the TES website (FREE registration required)
Simplified terms and conditions can be accessed from the Children’s Commissioners website.

Crossing the line

A resource toolkit created by Childnet and designed for students aged 11-14 years old covering topics such as cyberbullying, sexting, peer pressure and self-esteem. The toolkit comes with lesson plans and links to downloadable videos for each topic.  It has been designed to promote discussions with young people around risky behaviours online.

Available from Childnet

Myth vs reality

A resource toolkit created by Childnet and designed for students aged 11-14 years old covering online pornography, healthy relationships online and body image online. It has been designed as an extension resource to the 'Crossing the Line' toolkit with lesson plans and associated films for use with students to discuss the pressures they may feel in a digital world.

Available from Childnet

Personal information: Information commissioners office

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has created a series of four lessons to enable appropriate discussions around personal information sharing with secondary age students.

  • Lesson One: Strictly private? What is personal data?
  • Lesson Two: Private vs public
  • Lesson Three: Is there something I should know? Exercising our rights?
  • Lesson Four: No secrets? Freedom of Information

Available from ICO

It's not OK

Lesson plans created by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).  It helps children identifying concerning behaviours and recognise the characteristics of positive relationships. The lessons plans, films and associated activities focus on grooming, sexting, harmful sexual behaviours, child abuse and child exploitation. The lesson plans have been designed to be used with children aged 11 and over.

Available from NPSCC