Missing children in Lincolnshire e-learning for staff - Stay Safe Partnership

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Childrens Partnership

Inform staff about some of the reasons why children run away, and what should be done when a child goes missing. This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.

  • have a broad awareness of scale of the problem
  • know the key triggers for running away and the range of problems runaways face
  • understand the roles and responsibilities when reporting a child missing
  • be aware of the joint protocol in place in your LSCB to ensure all agencies work together
  • know the importance of assessing the risk to a child, who is involved and what factors must be considered

Training is a via e learning taking 90 - 120 minutes, but can be undertaken in stages.


FREE to maintained schools. All others £25 plus VAT.

Contact and how to book

To undertake the e learning or to find out more, visit the LSCP website