Employee resolution (grievance) policy and procedure

Resolution meeting

The resolution manager will arrange a resolution meeting to take place as soon as possible. The employee will be given five working days notice. Where a short timescale is not possible, the manager will agree the timescale with the employee. 

In cases of bullying and harassment or working conditions, the resolution manager will undertake a risk assessment. This will identify any action required to protect the health, wellbeing and safety of any employees:

  • involved in raising the issues
  • as the subject of a concern
  • who may be affected by the issues or the process

This will include reviewing any support already in place.

At the resolution meeting an HR representative will provide advice on policy and procedure.  A note taker will attend or MS teams recording facility will be available. 

We will provide copies of all relevant documentation, including investigatory reports to those who attend the resolution meetings.

At the meeting, the resolution manager will ask the employee to explain their concerns and discuss all the relevant facts concerning the matter. 

Any further meetings to discuss the matter will include providing copies of any relevant documentation. This includes any investigation material. 

Where appropriate, we may appoint an independent investigator who will: 

  • gather facts and information 
  • interview witnesses 

All those involved must have the opportunity to respond to the issues. We will hold as many meetings as necessary to investigate the matter. 

Following full consideration, the resolution manager will reconvene the resolution meeting to share:

  • the findings
  • conclusions about issues raised
  • any actions to be taken to resolve matters

We will confirm this in writing.  

It is important to note that if, as a result of a formal resolution, disciplinary action or other action is being considered towards other employees, the individual who raised the issue will not be advised of the outcome of those proceedings. This is confidential and private to the employees involved.

We will also advise of the right of appeal.