Employee resolution (grievance) policy and procedure

Informal resolution

Employees should try to resolve any difficulties and seek resolution at the earliest opportunity without having to use a formal process. Employees are encouraged to speak up and be open about:

  • what is happening
  • how it is impacting them
  • how things can be improved

The following options may help an employee to resolve the difficulties.

  • keeping a record of what happened
  • raising concerns directly with the colleague or manager that the concerns relate to
  • taking time to sit down together to discuss and reflect on what has happened and how to resolve the issues
  • asking a manager to raise the concerns with the person for them
  • a facilitated conversation so that a third party can help the employee to raise their concerns
  • mediation

Employees are encouraged to bring issues to the attention of their manager as soon as possible. Meetings at this stage will involve them and their manager. Employees may use their one-to-one or supervision meetings to discuss issues. 

The manager will consider whether any support arrangements are necessary to protect the health, wellbeing and safety of any individuals raising concerns, the subject of a concern or anyone else who may be affected.

If we decide an investigation is required, we will make the employee aware. We will then carry out the investigation, or appoint an appropriate person to do this. 

An exploration into all attempts to find a resolution will occur. During this time, we will support the employee. Whilst these are informal discussions, we will keep a record of:  

  • the conversation 
  • the issues raised 
  • actions taken to resolve the matter