Resolution support
We recognise that raising a concern can be difficult for all people affected. We will offer support to anyone who:
- raises a concern
- is the subject of the concern
- anyone else who may be affected
Support can be offered at any stage of this procedure.
We will discuss options for support with employees to ensure that it is appropriate for them.
Support will be dependent on the nature of the issues and can include, but is not limited to:
- having an independent support officer
- temporary redeployment or line management
- signposting to counselling or mental health support
Definition of independent support officer
A support officer may be provided for any employee involved in the case.
The manager will be responsible for appointing a support officer if required, to:
- support the employee by making regular contact and to enquire of the employee’s health and wellbeing
- direct the employee to the employee support and counselling service
- provide updates on the progress of the case to the employee
- feedback to the manager any concerns of issues raised from the employee, seeking clarity and information to pass on where possible
- maintain a record of all contact with the employee
The support officer will not:
- provide advice or opinion
- prepare their case
- attend formal meetings if the investigation progresses to a formal resolution meeting or disciplinary meeting (even in a ‘silent’ capacity)