Sexual violence for key stage 5 - Stay Safe Partnership


This workshop will enable students to:

  • define what sexual violence is
  • understand the myths surrounding sexual violence and how this leads to rape culture
  • know where to get support, should they need it
Service Description

Key stage 5 sexual violence is a reactionary workshop for senior students to engage in a discussion surrounding the ever-rising issue of sexual violence.

In response to the Everyone’s Invited survey and the Ofsted review of sexual abuse in schools, Lincolnshire Police have appointed a violence against women and girls (VAWG) youth engagement co-ordinator to address these issues through PSHE focused workshops.

This workshop:

  • draws on information around the increasing numbers of sexual violence and sexual abuse cases
  • gives students the information needed to seek support, should they need it

There is a focus on the myths surrounding sexual violence, how this leads to victim blaming and the importance of reporting. This is an interactive workshop that features a 'fact or fiction' activity.

It will be offered to students aged 15 to 19 in school years 11 to 13, on a school request basis. During the workshops, students will undertake tasks in small groups and engage in whole group discussion. Sessions will be delivered by experienced trainers from Lincolnshire Police youth engagement coordinators team in an age appropriate, fair and inclusive manner.


This workshop is available to all year 12 and 13 students across Lincolnshire. Workshops are suitable to be taught in groups of up to approximately 30 children, however smaller groups can also be facilitated. Each session will run for 60 minutes.

Please contact to discuss availability.


These workshops allow students to:

  • reflect upon the actions of themselves and others
  • develop a deeper understanding of the law surrounding sexual violence
  • develop effective communication skills
  • signpost to further support

Sessions have been created to cover some or all of the following areas within the PSHE framework:

Key stage 5

R13. how to recognise, and seek help in the case of, sexual abuse, exploitation, assault or rape, and the process for reporting to appropriate authorities.

R22. to understand their rights in relation to harassment (including online) and stalking, how to respond and how to access support.



Contact and how to book