Further information

Jobs and Skills

Create new, well-paid, sustainable jobs and ensure every resident can take advantage of them

The focus on jobs and skills is designed to empower local residents and provide them with new opportunities for personal and professional growth in a rapidly evolving economy.

Through strategic investments, primarily through the investment fund and innovation and trade elements of the deal, the creation of high-quality, well-paid jobs in existing and emerging industries will be harnessed.

By partnering with educational institutions, businesses, and training providers, we will equip our workforce with the skills needed to excel in these new sectors.

The deal will:

  • Create an inclusive approach placing residents are at the forefront of these exciting developments.
  • Unlocking every person’s full potential and secure a prosperous future for everyone.
  • Enhance apprenticeship and vocational training programmes that provide hands-on learning opportunities and pathways to secure employment in emerging industries.
  • Fast-track collaboration with local educational institutions to develop curriculums aligned with the needs of growing sectors, ensuring a skilled workforce ready to seize job opportunities.
  • Encourage entrepreneurship and small business growth by providing access to mentorship, funding, and resources.
  • Ensure every resident in Greater Lincolnshire has the opportunity to access a well-paid, highly skilled, sustainable job.