Further information

Infrastructure Nature

Protect and enhance our natural beauty now and for generations to come

The commitment to nature focuses on safeguarding and nurturing our precious natural resources, recognising their intrinsic value and their vital role in sustaining well-being.

By investing in conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and sustainable land management practices, we will protect and enhance our natural capital.

This not only preserves our environment for future generations but also creates opportunities for eco-tourism, outdoor recreation, and sustainable agriculture.

By embracing nature as a cornerstone of our strategy, we ensure a resilient and harmonious relationship between our communities and the natural world.

The deal will:

  • Implement initiatives that enhance biodiversity and protect natural habitats, preserving the ecological balance of Greater Lincolnshire.
  • Promote sustainable farming practices and support local farmers in transitioning to regenerative agriculture methods.
  • Develop connected nature trails, parks, and recreational areas to encourage outdoor activities and improve the overall well-being of residents.
  • Invest in natural infrastructure, to protect and enhance our landscapes for the benefit of the community and visitors.
  • Open up even more accessible green spaces for all residents.
  • Develop a woodland economy which recognises the value of our natural environment and supports existing jobs and creates new opportunities in the management of these natural assets.