Further information

Background and overview

Supercharging communities across the whole of Greater Lincolnshire

The legislative basis for the deal comes from the 2022 Levelling Up White Paper.

This key Government policy makes clear the case for devolution “as the engine room of improved productivity” and reduced regional disparities. The intent is to strengthen local leadership to act more flexibly and innovatively to respond to local need and priorities.

Government provided a menu of options available to unlock the benefits of devolution, with the most comprehensive package being a Level 3 deal. This brings with it the most local accountability, placing a significant emphasis on the importance of high profile, directly elected leadership, strong local governance, and joint working across sensible and coherent economic geographies.

These powers, funding and responsibilities, which would be new to Greater Lincolnshire, and would be managed through a Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA). This body would be made up of representatives – both officers and members – from the three councils and led by a directly-elected Mayor.

This devolution deal is just the first step in strengthening Greater Lincolnshire’s voice and accessing even more money and more power for local communities .

Quickfire Devolution Information

  • Devolution is the transfer of powers and funding from national government to local communities.
  • Devolution will enable the creation of more, better-paid jobs.
  • Devolution will enable better investment in roads, skills and broadband.
  • Devolution is important for everyone who lives in, works in or visits Greater Lincolnshire.
  • Devolution will supercharge prosperity across Greater Lincolnshire through giving more power, more money and a greater say to local communities.
  • Devolution will mean better outcomes for Greater Lincolnshire and its many communities.

Key Benefits for Communities

What will devolution mean for Greater Lincolnshire?

  • A multi-year investment fund to level-up the whole of the area.
  • Greater Lincolnshire voices play a greater role in setting and delivering their priorities.
  • Control over a range of powers and budgets here in Greater Lincolnshire which are currently administered by government .
  • Powers in Greater Lincolnshire to tackle challenges and harness economic potential for the benefit of everyone who lives and works here.
  • A new mayor to give Greater Lincolnshire a louder voice, more influence, and a higher profile, locally, nationally and globally.
  • Even greater collaboration across boundaries and borders.

What is a Mayoral County Combined Authority?

A Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA) is a body of local government with regional responsibilities. They are established to coordinate and drive collaborative efforts for the development and improvement of a specific region, in this case, Greater Lincolnshire.

The establishment of an MCCA introduces a new accountable body that focuses on the long-term strategic outcomes that will benefit people who live, work and visit Greater Lincolnshire. This authority, led by an elected Mayor, serves as a voice for Greater Lincolnshire with central government and accelerates decision-making for the entire county.

The mayor, elected by residents from across Greater Lincolnshire, would chair the MCCA and serve four-year terms. The mayor’s role is to provide leadership, represent the interests of the region, and collaborate with stakeholders to drive the strategic vision and direction of the MCCA.

By creating an MCCA, the aim is to streamline decision-making processes, promote and enhance collaboration across boundaries and with government, secure long-term investments, and ensure accountable governance for the benefit of Greater Lincolnshire and its communities.

Devolution is often misunderstood as an additional layer of government. It is a process which consolidates existing powers and responsibilities through a more streamlined and efficient entity capable of effectively administering them.

By creating a unified structure, devolution eliminates duplication, reduces bureaucracy, and enhances decision-making processes. It creates a cohesive framework that enables better coordination, collaboration, and responsiveness in addressing the needs and aspirations of the region.

Devolution empowers local leaders and communities by placing decision-making power closer to the people directly impacted. It ensures that those who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the region have the authority and resources to shape its future, leading to more effective and tailored solutions.

Devolution does not add complexity but maximising the potential of existing powers and responsibilities to drive positive change and improve outcomes for residents.

The Mayor

The formation of the Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA) will mean a Greater Lincolnshire Mayor will be elected, on a four-year term.

The role will be to provide overall vision and leadership, seek the best value for taxpayer’s money, be directly accountable to the people of Greater Lincolnshire and, receive new powers on transport, housing and skills.

They will be ultimately responsible for:

  • the investment funding over 30 years to drive growth.
  • improving local transport
  • shaping the local skills provision to meet the needs of the local economy and ensure residents can take advantage of new jobs.
  • driving regeneration across all communities in Greater Lincolnshire
  • building more affordable homes.

Local Transport

Better connecting people, places, communities and jobs

The devolution deal will empower local leaders to shape a comprehensive, dynamic, transport infrastructure plan to create seamless integration across road, rail and air for residents, visitors and businesses.

It will be all encompassing, covering freight, public transportation, and active travel such as walking and cycling.

The deal will:

  • Create unprecedented access to national and international travel opportunities for people and freight, facilitated by enhanced air travel, public transportation connectivity, roads, railways, and shipping infrastructure.
  • Deliver affordable travel options that ensure prompt and reliable journeys for individuals of all ages, effortlessly connecting them to educational institutions, health facilities, and leisure activities.
  • Amplify the appeal to prospective and existing businesses to invest by cultivating improved transport links, creating an environment more conducive to job creation.
  • Streamline the travel experience through user-friendly, smart ticketing across all modes of public transportation.
  • Be a game-changer for the thriving visitor economy, unlocking its full potential.
  • Enrich the lives of existing communities by fostering seamless connections to employment opportunities, loved ones, and recreational pursuits.
  • Reinvigorate local transport, revitalising accessibility, connectivity, and overall quality of life for all those involved.

Net Zero

Create a green future which embraces economic opportunities to drive wealth and prosperity

The commitment to achieving net zero is a tremendous opportunity to stimulate economic growth, cultivate sustainable industries, and secure a prosperous future for generations to come.

By strategically investing in the development and expansion of net zero industries, local leaders will create a thriving ecosystem that unlocks new economic potential.

This includes supporting renewable energy projects, fostering green technologies, and nurturing sustainable businesses.

By doing so, we will not only mitigate the impacts of climate change but also create a diverse range of jobs and position our communities as leaders in the global green economy.

The deal will:

  • Take advantage of the jobs that Carbon Capture Storage and Usage offers.
  • Foster partnerships between local businesses, research institutions, and entrepreneurs to spur innovation in clean technologies and sustainable practices.
  • Support the development of green infrastructure, such as electric vehicle charging stations and renewable energy installations, to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Promote energy efficiency measures in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to reduce emissions and lower energy costs.
  • Ensure the security of energy supply for the whole country.
  • Reduce the costs of energy creation and distribution.
  • Creating a competitive advantage for local businesses through new product development and business models.

Innovation and Trade

Unleashing innovation and advancing global trade

Through the innovation and trade component of the deal, a new era of progress and competitiveness is being sought across Greater Lincolnshire.

The deal will enable Greater Lincolnshire to take advantage of existing competitive advantages nationally and globally. It will drive innovation and the adoption of innovations.

Key industries of food, energy, ports and logistics and defence will see rapid growth with breakthrough ideas thriving and local businesses reaching new markets.

The forging of strategic partnerships with national and international stakeholders will pave the way for seamless global trade, opening doors to new markets and driving economic growth.

The deal will:

  • Allow local leaders to empower businesses to spearhead innovation and collaborative ecosystems, nurturing the development and adoption of cutting-edge technologies.
  • Establish innovation clusters and technology parks that serve as vibrant hubs for collaboration, idea exchange, and knowledge sharing among businesses, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
  • Promote international partnerships and trade agreements to expand market access for local businesses, facilitating exports and attracting foreign investment.
  • Facilitate industry-academia collaborations to ensure that research and innovation efforts are aligned with market needs, driving the successful commercialization of new products and technologies.
  • Support the game changing sectors of food, energy, ports and logistics and defence to flourish and grow.
  • Create thousands of new, well-paid, highly skilled, sustainable jobs.

Investment Fund

Unlocking opportunity and driving prosperity through strategic, long-term, investments

The investment fund will serve as a catalyst for prosperity gains, fuelling economic growth, fostering innovation, and creating sustainable opportunities for people, businesses, and communities.

This element of the deal will see the establishment of a long-term investment framework, placing decision-making power in the hands of local people to strategically allocate resources, spurring the development of transformative projects that drive job creation, stimulate trade and economic growth, and propel regional prosperity.

The deal will:

  • Guarantee a reliable infusion of money into the economy to drive innovation, increase productivity, and enhance overall competitiveness.
  • Supercharge sustained economic growth over the long term.
  • Back priority major infrastructure projects.
  • Fast-track upgrades to the strategic road network.
  • Bring developments sites into use to build new homes and encourage new businesses to invest.
  • Create a dedicated investment fund that provides financial resources and support for local businesses and startups, nurturing entrepreneurship and fostering economic growth.
  • Encourage collaboration between investors and local entrepreneurs to attract investment and fuel the development of innovative ideas and ground-breaking technologies.

Foster partnerships with research institutions and universities to facilitate knowledge transfer and commercialisation of research findings, driving innovation and creating intellectual property.

Jobs and Skills

Create new, well-paid, sustainable jobs and ensure every resident can take advantage of them

The focus on jobs and skills is designed to empower local residents and provide them with new opportunities for personal and professional growth in a rapidly evolving economy.

Through strategic investments, primarily through the investment fund and innovation and trade elements of the deal, the creation of high-quality, well-paid jobs in existing and emerging industries will be harnessed.

By partnering with educational institutions, businesses, and training providers, we will equip our workforce with the skills needed to excel in these new sectors.

The deal will:

  • Create an inclusive approach placing residents are at the forefront of these exciting developments.
  • Unlocking every person’s full potential and secure a prosperous future for everyone.
  • Enhance apprenticeship and vocational training programmes that provide hands-on learning opportunities and pathways to secure employment in emerging industries.
  • Fast-track collaboration with local educational institutions to develop curriculums aligned with the needs of growing sectors, ensuring a skilled workforce ready to seize job opportunities.
  • Encourage entrepreneurship and small business growth by providing access to mentorship, funding, and resources.
  • Ensure every resident in Greater Lincolnshire has the opportunity to access a well-paid, highly skilled, sustainable job.


Everyone can live in a decent home and existing communities are protected

The provision of high quality, affordable and well-connected homes is essential to meeting the current and future needs of Greater Lincolnshire residents, as well as the success of the economy.

Greater Lincolnshire is delivering economic growth, and a strategic approach to provide good quality housing to those that want to live and work in the area is needed.

By adopting a “right homes, right places” approach, local leaders will strategically plan and develop housing projects that address the unique requirements of our residents.

The deal will:

  • Prioritise the development of appropriate housing options, ensuring that all residents can find suitable homes within their communities.
  • Enhance existing sustainable building practices and green design standards to minimise environmental impact, promote energy efficiency and sustainability.
  • Foster mixed-use developments that combine housing, commercial spaces, and community amenities to creating new and enhance existing vibrant neighbourhoods.
  • Fast-track developments in the right places.
  • Enhancing public transportation infrastructure into new developments
  • Preserving green spaces.

Infrastructure Nature

Protect and enhance our natural beauty now and for generations to come

The commitment to nature focuses on safeguarding and nurturing our precious natural resources, recognising their intrinsic value and their vital role in sustaining well-being.

By investing in conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and sustainable land management practices, we will protect and enhance our natural capital.

This not only preserves our environment for future generations but also creates opportunities for eco-tourism, outdoor recreation, and sustainable agriculture.

By embracing nature as a cornerstone of our strategy, we ensure a resilient and harmonious relationship between our communities and the natural world.

The deal will:

  • Implement initiatives that enhance biodiversity and protect natural habitats, preserving the ecological balance of Greater Lincolnshire.
  • Promote sustainable farming practices and support local farmers in transitioning to regenerative agriculture methods.
  • Develop connected nature trails, parks, and recreational areas to encourage outdoor activities and improve the overall well-being of residents.
  • Invest in natural infrastructure, to protect and enhance our landscapes for the benefit of the community and visitors.
  • Open up even more accessible green spaces for all residents.
  • Develop a woodland economy which recognises the value of our natural environment and supports existing jobs and creates new opportunities in the management of these natural assets.

Infrastructure Digital

Supercharging digital infrastructure to drive innovation, competitiveness and connected communities

The digital initiative revolves around harnessing the transformative power of full-fibre connectivity, empowering individuals and businesses with seamless access to the digital world.

Through strategic investments in digital infrastructure, local leaders will drive the expansion of high-speed internet access, ensuring that all members of our community can reap the benefits of a digitally connected society.

This includes supporting businesses in adopting digital technologies, improving online public services, and fostering digital skills development. By embracing the digital revolution, a more inclusive, innovative, and prosperous future will be created for all communities.

The deal will:

  • Fast-track digital infrastructure – both 5G and ultra-fast broadband – upgrades to support the movement of people, goods, and ideas.
  • Create a planned approach to strategic and long-term investment in digital infrastructure that closes the gap with other areas of the UK, providing confidence for investment and relocation, enabling businesses to improve productivity and residents to access digital services.
  • Collaborate with local businesses to provide digital literacy training programmes, ensuring that all members of the community can fully participate in the digital age.
  • Facilitate the establishment of co-working spaces and innovation hubs to foster collaboration, entrepreneurship, and digital creativity.
  • Encourage the adoption of smart technologies to improve energy efficiency and the delivery of public services.