Further information

What is a Mayoral County Combined Authority?

A Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA) is a body of local government with regional responsibilities. They are established to coordinate and drive collaborative efforts for the development and improvement of a specific region, in this case, Greater Lincolnshire.

The establishment of an MCCA introduces a new accountable body that focuses on the long-term strategic outcomes that will benefit people who live, work and visit Greater Lincolnshire. This authority, led by an elected Mayor, serves as a voice for Greater Lincolnshire with central government and accelerates decision-making for the entire county.

The mayor, elected by residents from across Greater Lincolnshire, would chair the MCCA and serve four-year terms. The mayor’s role is to provide leadership, represent the interests of the region, and collaborate with stakeholders to drive the strategic vision and direction of the MCCA.

By creating an MCCA, the aim is to streamline decision-making processes, promote and enhance collaboration across boundaries and with government, secure long-term investments, and ensure accountable governance for the benefit of Greater Lincolnshire and its communities.

Devolution is often misunderstood as an additional layer of government. It is a process which consolidates existing powers and responsibilities through a more streamlined and efficient entity capable of effectively administering them.

By creating a unified structure, devolution eliminates duplication, reduces bureaucracy, and enhances decision-making processes. It creates a cohesive framework that enables better coordination, collaboration, and responsiveness in addressing the needs and aspirations of the region.

Devolution empowers local leaders and communities by placing decision-making power closer to the people directly impacted. It ensures that those who understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the region have the authority and resources to shape its future, leading to more effective and tailored solutions.

Devolution does not add complexity but maximising the potential of existing powers and responsibilities to drive positive change and improve outcomes for residents.