Household waste recycling centres' provision and usage policy

Policy statement 1: maximising re-use, recycling, composting and recovery

Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) and our contractors are committed to seeking to maximise opportunities for re-use, recycling, composting and recovery at HWRCs by:

  • providing separate containers for a wide range of different materials
  • providing a re-use area where items for re-use can be placed
  • ensuring recycling containers and re-use areas will be kept clean, available and accessible at all times
  • providing clear signage showing which materials can be placed in each container to:
  • help customers to sort their waste 
  • ensure the correct material is placed in the correct container
  • site staff providing encouragement and advice about separating materials on site
  • providing information about recycling on our website 

To maximise recycling rates at HWRCs, we request that householders sort all waste into the correct containers for recycling on site. Pre-sorting materials before visiting the site will make visits easier, quicker and more effective.

Site staff may ask residents to open sacks or other receptacles during their visit.  This is to:

  • identify items that can be re-used
  • recycle as much as possible
  • ensure waste is deposited appropriately in accordance with legislation for example to remove any flammables or electricals which are a primary cause of fires

Only waste that cannot be recycled elsewhere on site should be placed in the general non-recyclable waste container.

Residual waste collected in the general non-recyclable household waste container at the HWRCs is sent to the Lincolnshire energy recovery facility.  At this facility, it is incinerated to generate electricity.  We may use alternative disposal outlets to maintain the service when the facility is not operational.

Information on what is accepted in each waste container is available at the HWRCs.  The deposit of waste will be supervised by site staff.