Household waste recycling centres' provision and usage policy

We have a legal duty to provide household waste recycling centres (HWRCs) for Lincolnshire residents only.  We currently provide eleven HWRCs across the county. 

Any strategy reviews that materially affect this document will be subject to a policy review.

This policy document has been developed for HWRCs to:

  • control waste disposal costs to council taxpayers.  We seek to stop traders’ illegal use of HWRCs to deposit commercial waste (also known as trade waste) as household waste.
  • maximise re-use, recycling, composting and recovery.
  • protect the health and safety of site staff and householders.
  • maximise operational efficiency to minimise waiting times and facilitate safe and efficient working practices.
  • help protect the environment – by complying with all relevant legislation related to waste disposal.

Search our find a recycling centre directory for operation details of the HWRC sites. 


The contents of the policy are correct at the time of writing.  We reserve the right to amend the policy or operational practices at any time or in response to emergencies.


HWRCs provide a facility for Lincolnshire householders to deposit their own waste arising from their homes.

The household waste containers at HWRCs are not for the disposal of:

  • commercial waste 
  • waste that is not household waste

Commercial waste is waste produced by a business or commercial activity, even if this takes place within a home. For example, waste is not accepted if its collection and disposal form any part of a business-type arrangement.  This constitutes a commercial activity and hence commercial waste (see policy statement 5).

Landlords should note that waste from rented-out properties and disposed of by or on behalf of the landlord is classed as commercial waste.  The waste must be disposed of via a legitimate commercial waste collection or disposal provider.

Waste generated by a business operating from home, including bed and breakfast accommodation, is commercial waste.  Such persons must arrange a commercial collection.

The HSE guidance recommends that no more than 25kg should be lifted by an individual at a time, to reduce the risk of injury. The onus is on customers to ensure they can lift and carry their own items from their vehicles and place them in the containers. Where appropriate, such as helping a customer with a disability, site staff will assess the load based on individual lifting capacity.


There are restrictions on certain types of vehicles that may enter HWRCs.  This is for health and safety and operational reasons. We also restrict access to commercial vehicles and trailers of a certain size to prevent unauthorised use by trade persons or businesses. We operate a van and trailer e-permit scheme.  For details, see policy statement 2.

Access to the HWRCs is not controlled other than the e-permit scheme.  We review access regularly to enable more efficient and robust control measures.  This will enable residents to use the HWRC safely and easily. An automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) vehicle registration system may be introduced.  This will  further enhance the restriction on trade and commercial abuse.

General access conditions

Pedestrian access is not permitted on any of the Lincolnshire HWRCs. This is due to:

  • safety risks from the conflict of moving vehicles and people
  • the potential for abuse from uncontrolled access

The opening hours of the HWRCs are listed in our find a recycling centre directory

Visitors are required to arrive at their chosen site before 3.50pm. The gates may be closed 10 minutes before the site's closing time. This ensures that those on the site have time to deposit their waste and can exit by closing time. Anyone arriving after the closing time will not be permitted entry.

Depositing waste outside the boundary of any HWRC site is fly-tipping. If we become aware of any such fly-tipping, we shall liaise with the relevant district council or other regulatory body that may bring enforcement action.

Visitors to the HWRCs must comply with the site rules and this policy. 

Types of waste

HWRCs are primarily for the re-use, recycling, composting and recovery and disposal of household waste.

There are no facilities for commercial waste recycling or disposal. Commercial and other non-household waste is not accepted at any of our HWRCs.

We only accept household waste of the type and amount associated with conventional production from a household.  This is in accordance with statutory guidance.

Site management staff will challenge anyone attempting to deposit large quantities of materials or items suspected to be commercial or non-household waste. Site staff may ask the depositor to complete a declaration of household waste form to confirm that the waste is from their own home. We may share this information with enforcement authorities.

If we have reasonable grounds to believe the depositor is operating in a business capacity or their waste is not household waste, that person may be:

  • refused access to deposit their waste in the household waste containers
  • given advice, or 
  • directed to leave the site

If the depositor refuses to complete a declaration of household waste form fully, we will not allow them to deposit the waste.

No unauthorised person is permitted to sort over or remove anything deposited at a HWRC site, either in a container or on the ground.

Sometimes further investigation or enforcement action is required.  We may share the information given on a declaration of household waste form (or any other relevant information taken on site) with:

  • waste collection authorities
  • Environment Agency
  • Police

A wide range of recyclable materials is collected at our HWRCs. Customers should:

  • separate out their waste
  • make full use of the re-use and recycling facilities
  • minimise the amount of residual waste deposited

We may refuse large quantities of unseparated recyclable materials.

Further information

We offer site visitors a range of information on various aspects of our policy and general recycling advice. Where appropriate, site staff will draw the visitors’ attention to the availability of such information.

Further information about HWRCs and re-use, recycling, composting, recovery and disposal is available on our recycling and waste pages.