Infrastructure funding statement 2023 to 2024


This report:

  • outlines how we have spent developer contributions from new housing and other developments in the last financial year
  • promotes visibility of the processes involved, as we seek to ensure that growth and development in Lincolnshire communities brings investment in supporting facilities and infrastructure

Housing and other developments in Lincolnshire are essential to make sure our economy and communities thrive. Developments can also lead to an increased need for public services such as schools, transport and other infrastructure. All local authorities in Lincolnshire take their responsibility for planning very seriously. Councils work together to consider the positive and negative impacts of any development, before permission is granted.

Construction companies and developers will often be required to make contributions towards local improvements at the time of granting planning permission. This is either through a Section 106 agreement, or through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), depending what is in place in each district.

The following is a summary of what we have achieved in the 2023 to 2024 financial year:

  • £1,356,191.07 - received from CIL to pay towards the cost of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass
  • £7,055,636.03 - S106 monies received in total during the year
  • £5,655,519.98 - received to support the expansion of educational facilities
  • £2,852,646.74 - spent in the year towards education facilities
  • £258,416.49 - spent in the year on pedestrian and cycle improvements
  • £3,119.80 - spent in the year on a radar speed sign

Section 106 and CIL are a small part of our wider spending. Further information on our capital programme and government grant funding can be found on our website.