Infrastructure funding statement 2023 to 2024


This report:

  • outlines how we have spent developer contributions from new housing and other developments in the last financial year
  • promotes visibility of the processes involved, as we seek to ensure that growth and development in Lincolnshire communities brings investment in supporting facilities and infrastructure

Housing and other developments in Lincolnshire are essential to make sure our economy and communities thrive. Developments can also lead to an increased need for public services such as schools, transport and other infrastructure. All local authorities in Lincolnshire take their responsibility for planning very seriously. Councils work together to consider the positive and negative impacts of any development, before permission is granted.

Construction companies and developers will often be required to make contributions towards local improvements at the time of granting planning permission. This is either through a Section 106 agreement, or through Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), depending what is in place in each district.

The following is a summary of what we have achieved in the 2023 to 2024 financial year:

  • £1,356,191.07 - received from CIL to pay towards the cost of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass
  • £7,055,636.03 - S106 monies received in total during the year
  • £5,655,519.98 - received to support the expansion of educational facilities
  • £2,852,646.74 - spent in the year towards education facilities
  • £258,416.49 - spent in the year on pedestrian and cycle improvements
  • £3,119.80 - spent in the year on a radar speed sign

Section 106 and CIL are a small part of our wider spending. Further information on our capital programme and government grant funding can be found on our website.


This statement summarises details of certain types of financial and other contributions we have secured or spent for the 2023 to 2024 financial year. This fulfils the obligation for all councils to report annually, as set out in the second of the 2019 amendments to the original Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010, under the Planning Act 2008. These regulations are referred to elsewhere in this statement as the 2019(no2) Regulations or simply the Regulations. The summary details primarily relate to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and ’section 106 agreements’. Information has also been included on agreements under the Highways Act as is optional under the CIL Regulations.

The sections of this statement provide the following to meet Regulation 121A requirements:

  1. statement on how future Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is intended to be used to fund infrastructure
  2. CIL report, including details on CIL transferred to Lincolnshire County Council to March 2024
  3. section 106 Report. Relevant summary details of ’section 106 agreements’ to March 2024

This is the fifth such annual statement with Regulations introduced in advance of the 2019 to 2020 IFS. References in this statement to 'the year' or 'the reported year' are 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Statement on future Community Infrastructure Levy

This part of the IFS relates to clause 'a' of Regulation 121A which is focused on CIL.

We work across a ’two-tier’ Lincolnshire, with the seven district councils making up the other tier. Although we work very closely with each district, it is those councils which are the CIL charging authorities and so responsible for if and how to set CIL. Creating a local plan and setting CIL are often closely aligned, so the explanations below are made in that context for each area of Lincolnshire.

The following councils do not have CIL:

  • Boston Borough Council
  • East Lindsey District Council
  • South Holland District Council
  • South Kesteven District Council

We will continue to engage with these four councils on their local plans, including policies for section 106 and potential CIL. 

In 2018, CIL was set up locally by:

  • City of Lincoln Council
  • North Kesteven District Council
  • West Lindsey District Council

We and those three districts had already formed the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee to create a joint local plan. Where CIL has been passed to us by the districts, it has repaid part of the cost of the Lincoln Eastern Bypass. The bypass was in large part forward funded by us. The bypass has been a longstanding principle of the four authorities' joint documents around the local plan and CIL. This included a signed memorandum of understanding between the authorities that agrees its importance in developer contributions funding. The bypass was also a key part of the Lincolnshire local transport plan and Lincoln transport strategy. We intend that this same purpose continues for future CIL from this part of Lincolnshire, working with the three district councils and the joint strategic planning committee.

CIL report

This part of the IFS relates to clause 'b' of Regulation 121A. Each matter from schedule 2 of the Regulations is included in brackets alongside the relevant information.

We received £1,356,191.07 from CIL for 2023 to 2024 (matter 1(b) in Schedule 2 to the Regulations).

As written in the statement on future CIL, above, all the CIL received was used solely to make repayments towards some of the cost of Lincoln Eastern Bypass. Spending on the bypass has been many millions of pounds larger, given the scale of that project. There was no other CIL spending in the year (matter 1(e) and matter 1(g)(i)).

There was no CIL, whenever collected, which was allocated but not spent during the year (matter 1(f) and 1(h)).

Of the amount of CIL spending as above, noting that this is a loan repayment, the notional interest is £50,355.38 (matter 1(g)(ii)).

We are not a CIL collecting authority. This is because ’county matters’ development almost exclusively relates to minerals and waste operations or to infrastructure itself which do not usually involve buildings. In instances where buildings are developed under relevant permissions, these would rarely, if ever, meet the legal tests to attract CIL. Therefore, matters 1(a) to (l) are either covered above or do not apply to us. In short, we did not collect any CIL for the relevant year and are unlikely to do so in future years.

Section 106 report

This part of the IFS relates to 'c' of Regulation 121A, as amended by the second 2019 amendment to the CIL Regulations. Each line in the following table addresses a matter as it appears in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

The optional information against matters 4(a) and 4(b) of Schedule 2 is also provided. This is details on Section 278 agreements (delivered under that section of the Highways Act 1980) and other highways agreements (respectively).

Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2) Commentary
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(a) Commentary: During the year to 31 March 2024, we entered into planning obligations which, if and when triggered, would total £7,992,447
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(b) Commentary: We received £7,055,636.03 in total during the year from planning obligations
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(c) Commentary: At 1 April 2024, we had not allocated £10,337,049.98 that was received before the reported year. An example would be where monies are received for part of a school expansion, and this awaits further contributions from other development to make this up to a full classroom
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(d) Commentary: For the year to March 2024, one obligation was entered into that related to non-monetary contributions: 
  • for Sleaford West Sustainable Urban Extension
  • primary school land of no less than 1.8 hectares
  • secondary school land of no less than 5.5 hectares
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(e) Commentary: For the year, we allocated but did not spend £3,307,341.39
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(f) Commentary: For money allocated but not spent, summary details are provided in table one on the next page
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(g) Commentary: During the year, we spent £3,818,044.34 in respect of all planning obligations
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(h)(i) Commentary: Summary details of money spent by us during the year are shown in table two in the following pages
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(h)(ii) Commentary: We spent £637,324.99 under section 106 to repay borrowing. This was from St Augustine Road, Greetwell Fields Lincoln (North East Quadrant) for Lincoln Eastern Bypass
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(h)(iii) Commentary: No money was used for monitoring
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 3(i) Commentary: At 1 April 2024, we retained £10,010,131.23 in total from all contributions, for all years. No money was retained for maintenance
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 4(a) Commentary: The summary information provided in table three is for Section 278 agreements under the Highways Act which could amount to £5,369,148.36 for 2023 to 2024
Matter from Schedule 2 to CIL Regulations '19 (number 2): 4(b) Commentary: The summary information provided in table four is for other agreements under the Highways Act, specifically Section 38 agreements, which could amount to £34,909,932 for 2023 to 2024


Table one: Summary details of planning obligations money allocated but not spent during 2023 to 2024 (matter 3(g))

Site Details Amount
Site: Land adjacent to 355 High Road, Whaplode Details: University Academy Holbeach Amount: £76,310.76
Site: Land off Church Lane, Sturton Road, Saxilby Details: £253,033 for Saxilby Primary Amount: £253,032.91
Site: Land at Station Road, Sutterton Details: £91,007 for Kirton Middlecott School + £124,801 for Sutterton Fourfields School Amount: £215,808.00
Site: Land at Willoughby Road (Bridgeways), Alford Details: Alford John Spendluffe - expansion Amount: £90,500.00
Site: Land north of Tothby Lane, Alford Details: Alford John Spendluffe - expansion Amount: £20,266.12
Site: Land at Crease Drove, Crowland Details: Deepings Academy Sporting Facilities Amount: £342,810.00
Site: Penny Hill, Holbeach Details: £60K towards 1 additional classroom at Holbeach William Stukeley School Amount: £60,580.00
Site: Land adj. to 50 Cowbit Road, Spalding Details: Spalding Academy expansion Amount: £108,819.00
Site: Land at Northons Lane, Holbeach  Details: £93,000 for a 0.5FE extension of Holbeach Primary School plus £129.5K for 1 new Maths classroom at University Academy Holbeach Amount: £222,500.00
Site: Towndam Lane, Donington  Details: Donington Thomas Cowley Amount: £75,754.78
Site: Land off Crease Drove, Crowland Details: Deepings Academy Sporting Facilities Amount: £16,821.38
Site: Land west of Linchfield Road, Deeping St James  Details: Deepings Academy Sporting Facilities Amount: £202,460.83
Site: Land at Bourne Road, Morton  Details: Bourne Academy Amount: £52,126.66
Site: Land east of Hackthorn Road, Welton  Details: Welton William Farr - 24/25 expansion Amount: £292,055.84
Site: Land off Cliff Road and Heath Lane, Welton  Details: Welton William Farr - 24/25 expansion Amount: £229,093.03
Site: Mere Road, Branston Details: Upgrade junction to MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation) at Sleaford Road/Silver Street signalised junction and the introduction of a Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the existing speed limit on Sleaford Road, Branston Amount: £47,403.05
Site: Deacon Road, Lincoln Details: Highway improvement scheme at Greetwell Road/Allenby Road, Lincoln Amount: £61,952.90
Site: Land at Lincoln Road or Honeyholes Dunholme Details: Bus stop works in Dunholme Amount: £8,000.00
Site: High Street, Brant Broughton, Land adjacent to Fire Station Details: Project to move roads signs in High Street, Brant Broughton Amount: £3,687.27
Site: Cell 17 Witham St Hughs - Highways Details: Improvements to Bus Services in Witham St Hughs Amount: £14,082.67
Site: Land at Baston  -Outgang Road Details: Highways works – haunching and road widening improvement works to Cross Road, Baston Amount: £101,048.63
Site: Boston West Golf Course Details: Provision of a Call Connect Service to serve the development at Boston West Golf Course Amount: £11,605.03
Site: Main St, Mareham Le Fen, Boston Details: Traffic Regulation Order to extend area of current 30mph at Main St, Mareham Le Fen, Boston Amount: £5,106.18
Site: Town Road, Quarrington Details: Provision of bus services to the site at Town Road, Quarrington Amount: £184,354.69
Site: Land at Poplar Farm Holdingham Details: Improvements to Holdingham Roundabout, near Sleaford Amount: £445,140.35
Site: Greetwell Road cycle and footpath Details: Provision and, or improvements of cycle and pedestrian links at Greetwell Road, Lincoln Amount: £127,057.49
Site: Godsey Lane, Market Deeping Details: Provision, maintenance and, or expansion of Fire and Rescue Services within the Deepings area Amount: £38,963.82


Table two: Summary details of planning obligations money spent by LCC during 2023 to 2024 (matter 3(h) to (i))

Site Details Amount
Site: Whitebridges, Boston Details: Boston Haven High Academy - school expansion project in 2021 Amount: £55,963.19
Site: Land at Westbrook Road, Lincoln Details: Lincoln Sir Francis Hill Primary - expansion of primary school in 2016 Amount: £30,000.00
Site: Land North West of High Road, Weston Details: Spalding Academy - expansion of secondary school for September 2023 intake Amount: £412,280.00
Site: Land to the north of Witham Road, Wygate Park, Spalding Details: Spalding Wygate - expansion of primary school in 2019 to 2020 Amount: £61,644.30
Site: Land north of Towngate East and south of Northfield Road, Market Deeping Details: Market Deeping Community Primary School - 0.5FE expansion in 2018 to 2019 Amount: £143,200.00
Site: Land between Empingham Road and Tinwell, Stamford Details: Stamford Welland - expansion of secondary school in 2022 to 2023 Amount: £330,532.96
Site: Poplar Farm Details: Grantham Poplar Farm School - construction of new primary school (opened in September 2018) Amount: £341,480.73
Site: Land east of Sheepwash Lane and south of Barrowby Road, Barrowby, Grantham Details: Grantham Poplar Farm School - construction of new primary school (opened in September 2018) Amount: £995,744.68
Site: Roman Gate, Nettleham Road, Lincoln Details: Lincoln Carlton Academy - expansion of school to 2FE for September 2016 Amount: £45,615.35
Site: Land off Church Lane, Sturton Road, Saxilby Details: Lincoln Castle Academy - expansion of secondary school in 2018 Amount: £125,000.00
Site: Land at Manor Farm, Bardney Details: Bardney Primary School - expansion of school in 2017 to 2018 Amount: £99,232.00
Site: Land South of Belt Road, Gainsborough (also known as Somerby Croft) Details: Gainsborough Castle Wood Academy - expansion of school in year 2019 to 2020 Amount: £211,953.53
Site: Long Leys Road, Lincoln Details: Radar Speed Sign, Long Leys Road, Lincoln Amount: £3,119.80
Site: Brayford Wharf East, Wigford House, Lincoln Details: Environmental and highway improvements at Brayford Wharf, Lincoln Amount: £66,536.32
Site: Whitebridges, Boston Details: New pedestrian crossing on B1397 London Road in Boston Amount: £51,872.00
Site: Brick Pit, Station Road, Waddington Details: Footway and kerbing reconstruction works, linking the new Beal Development (Brick Pit, Station Road, Waddington) to Brant Road and Somerville Close Amount: £206,544.49
Site: St Augustine Road, Greetwell Fields Lincoln (North East Quadrant) Details: Contribution used to recover part of the cost of Lincoln Eastern Bypass Amount: £637,324.99

Table three: Summary details of S278 Highways Agreements entered into in 2023 to 2024 (matter 4(a))

Parish Location Details
Parish: Ancaster Location: Wilsford Lane Details: Footway, layby and bus stop
Parish: Boston Location: Willoughby Road Details: Vehicle access and footway
Parish: Butterwick Location: Watery Lane Details: Footway and tactile crossing
Parish: Colsterworth Location: Bourne Road Details: New footway
Parish: Corby Glen Location: Bourne Road Details: Footway, vehicle crossing and associated drainage
Parish: Crowland Location: James Road Details: Footway
Parish: Crowland Location: Peterborough Road Details: Tactile crossing, footway and vehicle access
Parish: Fiskerton Location: Chapel Lane and Blacksmith Lane Details: Tactile crossings
Parish: Frampton Location: Middlegate Road Details: Footway and road widening
Parish: Gainsborough Location: Sweyn Lane Details: Footway cycleway
Parish: Grantham Location: Barrowby Road North Details: Ghost island right-turn lane
Parish: Grantham Location: St Peters Hill Details: Tactile crossing
Parish: Grimoldby Location: Middlesykes Lane Details: Passing place
Parish: Hogsthorpe Location: Skegness Road Details: Frontage footway
Parish: Horncastle Location: Mareham Road Details: Footway and road widening
Parish: Kirkby La Thorpe Location: Ewerby Road Details: Tactile crossing and access
Parish: Kirton End Location: Kirton Holme Road Details: Footway
Parish: Lincoln Location: Albion Crescent Details: Footway
Parish: Lincoln Location: Skellingthorpe Road Details: Junction improvements (Western Growth Corridor)
Parish: Lincoln Location: Woodstock Street Details: Footway and vehicle access
Parish: Louth Location: Birch Road Details: Tactile crossings
Parish: North Hykeham Location: Grinter Close Details: Vehicle access and footway
Parish: Old Leake Location: Fellands Gate Details: Passing places and road widening
Parish: Stamford Location: Uffington Road Details: Ghost island right-turn lane and cycleway
Parish: Stixwould Location: Edlington Moor Details: Two passing places
Parish: Sudbrook Location: Rookery Lane Details: Two no passing places
Parish: Tetney Location: Holton Road Details: Footway
Parish: Witham St Hughs Location: Camp Road Details: Roundabout
Parish: Wood Enderby Location: Horncastle Road Details: Access, road widening, passing places


Table four: Summary details of other Highways Agreements for 2023 to 2024 (matter 4(b))

Parish Site or phase Details
Parish: Ancaster Site or phase: Wilsford Lane Details: Section 38
Parish: Barrowby Site or phase: Low Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Boston Site or phase: Heron Way Phase 3B Details: Section 38
Parish: Boston Site or phase: Toot Lane Phase 2 Area 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Boston Site or phase: Toot Lane Phase 2 Area 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Boston Site or phase: Wyberton Low Road (Heron Way Phase 3a) Details: Section 38
Parish: Bourne Site or phase: Elsea Park Zone 7 Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Bourne Site or phase: Elsea Park Zone 7 Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Bourne Site or phase: Elsea Park Zone 7 Phase 4 Details: Section 38
Parish: Bourne Site or phase: Elsea Park Zone 8 Phase 3 Details: Section 38
Parish: Claypole Site or phase: Doddington Lane Details: Section 38
Parish: Colsterworth Site or phase: Bourne Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Corby Glen Site or phase: Swinstead Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Corringham Site or phase: East Lane Details: Section 38
Parish: Crowland Site or phase: Low Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Dunholme Site or phase: The Meadows, Lincoln Road Phase 4 Details: Section 38
Parish: Fleet Site or phase: Fleet Road - Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Gainsborough Site or phase: The Avenue Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Gainsborough Site or phase: The Avenue Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Gainsborough Site or phase: Warren Wood, Foxby Lane - Danum Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Gainsborough Site or phase: Warren Wood, Foxby Lane - Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Gainsborough Site or phase: Warren Wood, Foxby Lane - Phase 3 Details: Section 38
Parish: Glentham Site or phase: Caenby Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Gosberton Site or phase: Boston Road (High Street) Details: Section 38
Parish: Grainthorpe Site or phase: Poors End Details: Section 38
Parish: Grantham Site or phase: Dysart Road Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Holbeach Site or phase: Holbeach Meadows Phase 1 Area 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Holbeach Site or phase: Northons Lane Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Horncastle Site or phase: Mareham Road - Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Horncastle Site or phase: Winceby Gardens Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Kirton Site or phase: London Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Kirton Site or phase: London Road Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Lincoln Site or phase: Ironstone Close - Link Footway Details: Section 38
Parish: Lincoln Site or phase: Roman Gate Phase 1B Details: Section 38
Parish: Lincoln Site or phase: Skellingthorpe Road (WGC, Phase 1a, Stage 1) Details: Section 38
Parish: Long Sutton Site or phase: Seagate Road- Phase 1A (opp Colsuan Gardens) Details: Section 38
Parish: Long Sutton Site or phase: Seagate Road Phase 1B Details: Section 38
Parish: Louth Site or phase: Brackenborough Road Ph5 Details: Section 38
Parish: Louth Site or phase: Grimsby Road, Phase 4 (Westfield Park) Details: Section 38
Parish: Louth Site or phase: Grimsby Road, Phase 5 (Westfield Park) Details: Section 38
Parish: Louth Site or phase: Grimsby Road, Phase 6 (Westfield Park) Details: Section 38
Parish: Louth Site or phase: Legbourne Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Market Rasen Site or phase: Caistor Road Phase 2C Details: Section 38
Parish: Marton Site or phase: Stow Park Road Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Marton Site or phase: Stow Park Road Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Marton Site or phase: Stow Park Road Phase 3 Details: Section 38
Parish: Marton Site or phase: Stow Park Road Phase 4 Details: Section 38
Parish: Metheringham Site or phase: Homestead Fields (Dunston Road) Phase 1 Details: Section 38
Parish: Middle Rasen Site or phase: Church Street (Heath Court) Details: Section 38
Parish: Nettleham Site or phase: Wolsey Way Minster Fields Ph 4b Details: Section 38
Parish: Nettleton Site or phase: Land off Moortown Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Sleaford Site or phase: Handley Chase Spine Road Ph6 Details: Section 38
Parish: Sleaford Site or phase: Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park Details: Section 38
Parish: Sleaford Site or phase: Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park Phase 2 Details: Section 38
Parish: Surfleet Site or phase: Land West Of Coalbeach Lane Details: Section 38
Parish: Tetney Site or phase: Fairlawns, Station Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Weston Site or phase: High Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Whaplode Site or phase: Adjacent 70 Cobgate Details: Section 38
Parish: Witham St Hughs Site or phase: Sheeps Walk Farm Parcel 2B Details: Section 38
Parish: Woodhall Spa Site or phase: Bachelors Farm, off Horncastle Road Details: Section 38
Parish: Woodhall Spa Site or phase: Tower Drive Phase 3 Details: Section 38
Parish: Wyberton Site or phase: The Quadrant Phase 6 Ph1 Details: Section 38