Childcare sufficiency report 2024

Delivering the early years entitlements

All 3 and 4-year-olds and the most vulnerable 2-year-olds are entitled to 570 hours funded early years education a year. This is delivered as 15 hours a week over 38 weeks (school term time) but can be taken as a stretched offer with fewer hours a week over more weeks per year. In addition, eligible 3 and 4-year-olds of working parents are entitled to a further 15 hours a week. This gives them a 30 hour a week entitlement, or 1,140 hours a year.   

From April 2024, working parents of 2-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours a week of funded early years education. This is under the childcare reforms.

This will expand to:

  • children aged nine months in September 2024, and
  • 30 hours for working parents of children from nine months to school age by September 2025

Early years entitlements take-up rates

As of July 2024, 604 providers were registered to offer the Early Years Entitlements (EYE) 15 hours or 30 hours for eligible 2, 3 and 4-year-olds.

Lincolnshire currently has a higher take-up of 2-year-old funded places compared to regional and national statistics.  

2-year-old take-up

Take-up National Regional Lincolnshire
Disadvantage take-up 73.9% 69.7% 76.3%
Working parent take-up 90% 91% 92%

The Statistical First Release (SFR) is taken from the January census collected each year. The take-up of the entitlement increases throughout the academic year. By the end of the spring term, data shows that more 2-year-olds are accessing places.

District Spring 2024 numbers of children in places Spring 2024 percentage taken based on eligibility
Boston 163 64%
East Lindsey 293 78%
Lincoln 280 91%
North Kesteven 171 106%
South Holland 142 63%
South Kesteven 273 104%
West Lindsey 171 81%
Lincolnshire 1,600 84%

3 and 4-year-old take-up

  • National: 93.7%
  • Regional: 93.2%
  • Lincolnshire: 90.8%

The outreach work for 2-year-old funding has been successful in ensuring high take up. This year we have invested in mirroring this success and conducting outreach work for 3 and 4-year-olds. The aims will be to promote the universal 3 and 4-year-old offer across the county. 

This will help us:

  • ensure the take-up rate remains high
  • understand the reason why parents have chosen not to take up their entitlement and then address them. These could be:
    • costs of childcare
    • SEND needs
    • availability of childcare
    • parental choice
Entitlement Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024
Universal 6,968 9,057 10,538
Extended 3,742 4,958 5,828

The above table shows that approximately 50% of parents of 3 and 4-year-olds are entitled to the extended offer for working families. This criteria has been applied to the methodology for calculating places needed for the new entitlements for working families.