Admission arrangements 2025 to 2026 - Spalding High School

Reserve lists

For admission into Year 7 the governors will keep a waiting list called a reserve list.

If a child has met the required standard in the 11plus and is offered a place at a school named as a lower preference than Spalding High School they will be automatically placed on the reserve list. A child cannot be placed on the reserve list if they have not met the required standard in the 11 plus or have been deemed qualified by an appeal panel.

The reserve lists are kept in the order of the oversubscription criteria. Names can move down the list if someone applies for a place and is higher placed on the oversubscription criteria. The length of time you have been on the list is not taken into account when allocating places.

The list is kept by the school admissions team until the end of the coordinated admission round in August each year. Spalding High School will then keep the reserve list until the end of the academic year.

If your child is of the required ability and you wish them to join the school in another year group, you can request your child be added to the reserve list by contacting Spalding High School directly. The reserve lists are cleared at the end of each academic year in Year 7 to 9 and at the end of December for Year 10. If would like your child to be placed on the reserve list for the following academic year please contact Spalding High School. A reserve list is not kept for Year 11.