Admission arrangements 2025 to 2026 - Spalding High School


Spalding High School is a girls' grammar school, with a mixed sex sixth form. Lincolnshire County Council is the Admission Authority.

For a child to be eligible for a place at Spalding High School they must be of the required academic ability.

In common with the majority of grammar schools in Lincolnshire the school requires children to reach a common qualifying standard. For entry into Year 7 this is an aggregate standardised score of 220 in the verbal reasoning test and the non-verbal reasoning test.

This standard is intended to identify the top 25% of children by ability in areas of Lincolnshire served by a grammar school. This means the percentage pass rate may vary from one area to another and from one year to another, depending on the abilities of the children in a local area in any one year.

Published Admission Number

The published admission number for Year 7 is 150.