Admission arrangements 2025 to 2026 - Spalding High School

Testing and arrangements for admission into Year 7

For entry into Year 7 the school determines a child's academic ability for admission by their performance in the Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools' 11 plus examinations.

  • A registration form must be completed in order for a child to sit the 11 plus examinations. It is imperative that parents wishing their daughters to sit the 11 plus examination complete and return the registration form.
  • Registration forms are sent to Lincolnshire feeder primary schools in January when children are in Year 5. They should be returned to the primary school by the deadline date on the form. Alternatively, the registration form can be downloaded from the Spalding High School website. It should be returned to Spalding High School by the deadline on the form.
  • Further details regarding test dates and practice papers will be sent once a child is registered for the test.
  • The tests take place in September when the children are in Year 6.
  • Spalding High School sends the result of the 11 plus to parents at the beginning of October.
  • A child taking the 11 plus is not considered as an application for the school and a formal application must be made to the child's home Local Authority.
  • Children can only be tested once for entry into an academic year. A child who does not achieve the qualifying standard for Year 7 cannot be tested for Year 8 until the second half of the summer term preceding entry.

Arrangements for applications for places in Year 7 at Spalding High School will be made in accordance with our coordinated admission arrangements. Parents resident in Lincolnshire can apply:

  • online
  • by telephone 01522 782030
  • request a paper application form by telephoning 01522 782030

Parents resident in other areas must apply through their home local authority. Spalding High School will use our timetable for these applications. The relevant Local Authority will make the offers of places on our behalf as required by the School Admissions Code.

Testing for admission at other times

Children will be required to take entrance examinations to ensure that they are of the academic ability for the relevant year group at Spalding High School. These examinations will determine whether the child is at least of the minimum ability for the relevant year group. Parents who wish their child to take this test should contact Spalding High School directly for more information. For mid-year entry the following tests are to be taken and the standards the child must achieve in order to qualify for the relevant cohort are discussed. The school will also display this information on the school website.

12 plus mid-year entry between the ages of 11.03 and 14 years

These pupils will sit:

  • a GL Assessment verbal reasoning (age 12 and 13, which is suitable for pupils aged 11.03 to 14.03) and 
  • a GL Assessment non-verbal reasoning (age 12 to14, suitable for pupils aged 11.03 to 15.03). These 12 to 14 tests will be age weighted.  Pupils will be expected to attain an amalgamated score of at least 230 with no individual paper scoring below 110. This will place them in the top 25% of the ability range.

Mid-year entry over the age of 14 years

These pupils will sit nferNelson Cognitive Abilities Test 3, Level G. (This is suitable for pupils aged 13.06 to 16 plus, although most appropriate for pupils over 14). Pupils will sit three batteries:

  • verbal
  • quantitative
  • non-verbal

Pupils sitting Cognitive Abilities Tests 14 plus will be expected to attain Level 7 in each section (Stanine Scales). This should place them in the top 25% of the ability range.

A child taking these tests does not constitute a formal an application and a formal application must be made to the school.

For a mid-year place, including the Year 7 that has commenced, an application can be made online. Applications should be made to Lincolnshire County Council for applicants from all areas.

For entry into Year 7 in September places will be allocated to applicants who return an application before we consider any applicant who has not returned one.

If a place is not offered at the school you will be informed of your right of appeal.