
Public availability of Information.

Under the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, the Authority is committed to make available on written request, information about its actions and decisions, which includes information about notices it has issued. In general, the information that the Authority will make available about a notice is the information on the front page. 

Information on a notice will not be made available until the right of appeal against the content of a notice has expired with no appeal lodged, or the appeal has been disposed of. Where an inspector is satisfied that a notice has been complied with, this information will be made available at the same time as the information on the front page. If you think that the information in the notice would disclose commercially confidential information, you should contact the Authority within 14 days who in turn will redraft the information in a way it believes will not reveal the confidential matter. In the meantime, the only information to be made available will be your name, address, any place involved and the relevant legal provisions. If you are not satisfied with the redrafted information, there is no further appeal. However, the Authority will make every reasonable effort to agree a form of words that is acceptable to you. 

For the avoidance of doubt, where the publicising of a notice is appropriate to further the safety of persons, the details in the previous paragraph, about making available information regarding a notice will not apply. An example of circumstances where information may be given out directly, the notice is served where the notice prohibits the use of sleeping accommodation. Tenants, or other persons, who use this prohibited accommodation may be informed immediately by the Authority.