
Public register

You should be aware that in order to satisfy the "Environment and Safety Information Act 1988" the Authority is obliged to enter details of certain notices called "relevant notices", (which will be identified by the inspector serving the notice), into a publicly available enforcement register. "Relevant notices" are those which impose requirements or conditions not solely for the protection of persons at work. Entries on the register will be kept for a period of at least three years. 

Entries to the register will be made within 14 days of the expiry of the right of appeal or the disposal of an appeal against the content of a notice. If a notice is cancelled on appeal, no entry will be made. Where an inspector is satisfied that a notice has been complied with, withdrawn, or amended, a further entry will be made in the register within 7 days to show this. 

If you think that the entry for this notice would disclose commercially sensitive information you should give written notice to the Authority within 14 days, who in turn, will draft an entry which is considered not to disclose the information and serve this on you. In the meantime, the entry will specify only your name, address, the place involved and the relevant legal provisions. If you are not satisfied with the redrafted entry, you have a further right of appeal to the Secretary of State within 14 days. 

The NFCC enforcement register shows all formal enforcement actions taken against a business.