Work experience policy

Priority areas

In addition to young people in education we will provide placements for looked after children and care leavers. We embrace our role as the 'corporate parent' and our duty to looked after children. This includes those who have left care up to the age of 25.

We view work experience as an opportunity for young people in education and care leavers. They get to learn about what we do and understand the careers and positions that there are.

We prioritise placements in areas where:

  • it is hard to recruit to
  • it is difficult to retain staff
  • there is a skills shortage

This allows both the council and students to gain experience where there may be future jobs.

The HR talent and early careers team co-ordinates work experience placements within the council.  The team liaises with council service areas to put programmes in place. They will establish these in an effective and efficient manner. 

To contact the team, email