Work experience policy

Policy overview

Work experience introduces young people to the work environment. It can be a valuable part of their education.  

We encourage and promote quality work experience placements. These are for young people in education aged 16 - 18 and up to age 25 for a care leaver.

Young people in Lincolnshire are the future workforce. It is of great value to us, as a major employer, to encourage and support them. We aim to provide placements that allow them to develop and learn. 

Our service areas will help young people and care leavers to:

  • enhance their knowledge 
  • gain an insight into our work and careers


The Department for Education (DfE) defines work experience as “a placement on an employer’s premises in which a student carries out a particular task or duty, or range of tasks and duties, with the emphasis on the learning aspects of the experience.”

Meaningful work experience is:

  • purposeful, substantial and offers challenge. It is relevant to a young person's studies and/or career aspirations.
  • managed by a supervisor or manager. This ensures that students get a learning experience suited to their needs.
  • structured to provide tangible outcomes for both the student and the council. 
  • clear about the roles, duties and expectations of both the student and the council.

Priority areas

In addition to young people in education we will provide placements for looked after children and care leavers. We embrace our role as the 'corporate parent' and our duty to looked after children. This includes those who have left care up to the age of 25.

We view work experience as an opportunity for young people in education and care leavers. They get to learn about what we do and understand the careers and positions that there are.

We prioritise placements in areas where:

  • it is hard to recruit to
  • it is difficult to retain staff
  • there is a skills shortage

This allows both the council and students to gain experience where there may be future jobs.

The HR talent and early careers team co-ordinates work experience placements within the council.  The team liaises with council service areas to put programmes in place. They will establish these in an effective and efficient manner. 

To contact the team, email

Placement information

We provide a programme of activity for a one-week period, which includes:

  • inductions
  • work shadowing 
  • meeting senior leaders
  • understanding the goals, objectives and priorities of the council
  • delivering a presentation on key learning

We honour our duty to provide effective and high-quality work experience. We will: 

  • provide a consistent, reliable approach to offer young people and care leavers placements
  • ensure compliance with any legal duties towards safeguarding and risk assessment
  • create an environment in which both individual and team, including those on work experience, contributions are recognised. We will avoid any stereotypical assumptions or bias, conscious or otherwise.
  • ensure all young people and care leavers applying for work experience placements are not subject to discrimination. They will not receive any less favourable treatment. 


Many education providers seek feedback on behalf of the young person. Service areas are encouraged to help with this. This information can help to enhance a student's learning experience and development.

Health and safety and legal requirements

The minimum age that a school-age child can carry out work experience is 14.  We will only offer placements to children aged 16 and above. 

Work placement hours for young people under 18 should not exceed eight hours in any 24-hour period. They must work no more than 37 hours per week. There should be at least 12 hours break between each working day and two days of rest per working week. 

For students, we will report any absence or concerns to the education provider. This includes looked after children and/or care leavers. Service areas must report absences within the first hour of the scheduled starting time.

All students on work experience placements are employees under health and safety law. They must have the same protection as all other employees. 

We must give special consideration to the risks that young people may face. This is due to their potential inexperience and lack of awareness of a work environment.

We must record any accidents that result in injury, ill health, damage to property or other loss. We must complete an accident form and investigate in line with our procedures.

The duty of care is the responsibility of the education provider (for example, school or college). This includes carrying out risk assessments for all students. This duty of care includes placements both within and outside term times. 

We will not accept expression of interest forms for work experience placements from students. They must have the endorsement of their education provider. 

Placements should not go ahead until the education provider has either:

  • carried out a risk assessment
  • or, an existing risk assessment has been reviewed

Copies of new or reviewed risk assessments should be given to the talent and early careers manager within HR.

The education provider must inform the named council contact of issues that may affect the placement. This can include medical conditions or other concerns. We will make any appropriate support and reasonable adjustments. 

This information should be confidential, in line with our Protecting Personal Data Policy. This ensures:

  • there is no breach in terms of the student's personal information
  • students get the best opportunity to have a positive and enjoyable placement

There are few work activities that a young person cannot do due to health and safety law. However, service areas have primary duty for the health and safety of their students. They should manage any major risks, which includes: 

  • explaining the risks to the student
  • checking that they understand what they are told 
  • advising them who to talk to if they have concerns

Further guidance can either be found by viewing the G21 employment of young persons (under 18 years of age) document on our intranet, from the corporate health and safety team or by visiting the HSE website.

DBS checks

All service areas must have a named council contact for work experience placement students. This supervisor will ensure that the student is in a safe environment. 

For children under 16, work experience is a regulated activity. This means the supervisor will require an enhanced DBS with a children's barred list check. The supervisor will not require this check if the student is over the age of 16.

Managers Information

If you are keen to host a Work Experience placement in your team, please contact