Travel and expenses policy

Reimbursement of expenses

Employees must claim legitimate expenses through our usual reimbursement procedure. These can include: 

  • car park charges 
  • bridge tolls 
  • public transport (bus, tram, tube) 
  • private taxi use 
  • fuel for daily rental vehicles  

They must have prior management approval and submit receipts.   

Travel and subsistence rates 

1. Mileage rates (HMRC-approved rates, inclusive of electric vehicles) 

Vehicle type First 10,000 miles After 10,000 miles
Vehicle type: Cars and vans First 10,000 miles: 45p per mile After 10,000 miles: 25p per mile
Vehicle type: Motorcycles and mopeds First 10,000 miles: 24p per mile After 10,000 miles: 24p per mile

2. Passenger rate  

5p per mile for the carriage of one or more passengers who are council employees.  

3. Cycle rate  

73p per day (£3.65 per week) 

4. Reimbursement for meals and overnight stays 

Meal costs, as a general rule, are the responsibility of the employee. However, if an employee expends more than they would usually, then we will reimburse additional expenditure. Employees must have prior line management approval and submit receipts.

All overnight accommodation must be authorised in advance by the appropriate: 

  • director  
  • or, assistant director 
  • or head of service 

Employees must make these arrangements through their service area business support team. The team will book using the most cost-effective method. 

Employees must agree expenses in advance with their line manager for: 

  • any cost of meals where an overnight stay is required 
  • any further out-of-pocket expenses

5. Training and development 

We may reimburse fees and expenses incurred during training and development as per the: 

  • HMRC List 3 
  • our learning and development policy 

These must have prior approval from the line manager.