Travel and expenses policy

Reimbursement of mileage

Employees will be reimbursed for miles travelled for work in accordance with:

  • total mileage incurred in the day, in excess of their home to contractual work base return journey


  • all mileage for a journey between their normal workplace and a temporary workplace
  • all mileage for a journey between one temporary workplace and another temporary workplace
  • mileage calculated using the "lesser rule" for a journey between their home base and a temporary workplace

The "lesser rule" applies when it is fewer miles for an employee to travel from their home rather than their work base to a 'temporary' workplace. Employees can claim for the lesser of either:

  • home to a "temporary" workplace
  • or, normal workplace to a "temporary" workplace

Mileage claims for business travel must be submitted on time using the online expenses system or paper forms.  Employees must submit a detailed breakdown of mileage incurred for approval by their manager.  They must include scanned copies of valid VAT receipts for all expenses including fuel if VAT is applicable.