Local scheme conditions of service

Allowances, payments and mobility clause

Working at a higher level - acting up

Employees may temporarily work in a job which is normally graded on a higher level.  They should be paid at an appropriate level for the duties they are asked to perform.


An honorarium payment may be made for exceptional or special work undertaken.  This is usually on a short-term basis for up to six months.  Refer to the green book employee pay and conditions policy for further details.

Meals provided

Free meals will be provided where employees are required to take meals with clients in performance of their duties.  See entertainment of visitors.

Payment of subscriptions

We pay approved subscription costs for memberships of a national, regional or area professional organisation providing:

  • there is a direct benefit to the work of the council
  • the objectives of the organisation do not include improvement of the pay, status or conditions of employment of its members

Employees should submit invoices from their professional association to their line manager.  We will then pay directly up front.

Mobility clause

Employees may be required to work at another location.  This will be:

  • at a location we may specify
  • within a reasonable distance (we will determine what is reasonable)
  • as the needs of the business reasonably requires
  • either temporary or permanent

An employee’s usual place of work may be changed on reasonable notice.

Disturbance payments

Where there is a change or disturbance of work base our relocation policy will apply.

A disturbance sum will be paid in complete recompense where:

  • the disturbance requires additional home to work travel, and
  • a single journey is increased by more than 10 miles

The sum will be payable in monthly instalments over a one-year period. 

The total sum payable is calculated on the appropriate HMRC AMAP rate (taking into account annual mileage) multiplied by (the journey excess x 2) multiplied by 225 journeys.  This rate will apply to all employees.

The amount paid is pro rata for employees who work fewer than five days per week.

We will review any payment should the additional travelling requirement cease.

Sometimes there is a temporary need (up to six months) to move an employee or team to a different location.  Additional mileage incurred can be paid under the travel and expenses policy.  

First aid allowance

We pay employees who are designated first aiders for specific work locations an annual allowance of £104 per annum. 

First aiders must hold a current recognised certificate in accordance with health and safety legislation.

Employees who are designated emergency first aiders or appointed persons must have:

  • attended an emergency first aid course
  • hold a recognised first aid certificate

We pay emergency first aiders an annual allowance of 50% of the first aiders allowance.

Two-way radios and mobile phones in private cars

We pay employees £50 if they have a two-way radio or work mobile phone installed in their private car.  We also pay for the cost of installation and removal of the devices.


We may provide equipment to employees who are authorised to work from home.  Such equipment is only to be used for business purposes.  IT must be returned on leaving the post or the council. 

Homeworkers must:

  • comply with the health and safety and IT security policies
  • ensure that proper insurance cover is provided

An office allowance may be payable if:

  • there are additional costs of homeworking
  • the employee is contractually required to use their home as a work base

Read the flexible working policy for further information.

Injury award scheme

This scheme provides employees and relief employees a financial award should they: 

  • die as a result of anything they were required to do whilst carrying out their work 
  • or, sustain an injury as a result of carrying out their work, resulting in a permanent disability 

The formal reporting and investigation procedures must be followed in all cases.  For details of the injury award scheme see our injury awards policy.

Site allowances

Employees in the Place director area may be required to be temporarily based on site.  A site allowance may be paid due to an exceptional burden in terms of:

  • hours worked
  • endurance of all-weather conditions

Any site allowance paid is in place of normal overtime arrangements.

Scales of payment

Additional hours worked per week Allowance
Additional hours worked per week: 3½-7 Allowance: 4 percent of salary
Additional hours worked per week: 7½-9 Allowance: 10 percent of salary
Additional hours worked per week: 9½-11 Allowance: 16 percent of salary
Additional hours worked per week: 11½-14½ Allowance: 24 percent of salary
Additional hours worked per week: 15-18½ Allowance: 34 percent of salary
Additional hours worked per week: over 18½ Allowance: 44 percent of salary


Extra time of less than half an hour on any day will be discounted.

Only complete half hours will be counted for payment.

The director of place may recommend remuneration on the basis of planned overtime instead of a site allowance where:

  • it is likely that work will exceed 18½ additional hours per week, and
  • over a sustained period of four weeks or more