Learning and development policy

Mandatory learning for employees

Due to statutory and legal requirements, it is important that all employees complete their mandatory learning within set time periods.

The following table sets out the roles and the level of responsibility for mandatory learning to ensure we remain compliant.

Individual Role Responsibility
Individual: CLT Role: Executive Directors Responsibility:
  • provides overall direction and leadership
  • executive responsibility for training compliance
Individual: Assistant directors and heads of service Role: Responsible person for the training compliance within service of responsibility. Answerable to Assistant Director or Executive Director  Responsibility:
  • hold managers to account for training compliance
Individual: Human Resources, Talent and Learning Corporate Centre Role: The operational provider of corporate learning and real time data Responsibility:
  • accountable for the quality and integrity of the corporate training provision
  • ensure the training provision achieves successful outcomes
  • provide a corporate LMS training dashboard to support accessibility and real time data management
  • proactively report on compliance 
Individual: Health and safety and safeguarding subject owners Role: The operational provider of health and safety and safeguarding learning and real time data Responsibility:
  • accountable for the quality and integrity of the training provision specific to their subject area
  • ensure the training provision achieves successful outcomes
  • liaison with LMS providers Shine and Enable to support accessibility and real time data management
  • proactively support the corporate reporting on compliance
Individual: Managers Role: Operational responsibility for training compliance and application of learning  Responsibility:
  • hold regular development discussions during one-to-ones and performance and development appraisals
  • validate that training requirements have been completed and take corrective action if required 
Individual: Employees (learners) Role: Operational responsibility for training compliance and application of learning Responsibility:
  • ensure the timely completion and application of defined training
  • provide feedback and evaluation following course completion  

Mandatory learning for all employees

Everyone needs to carry out the following learning to ensure we are running safely and efficiently.

It ensures compliance with our policies and procedures, government guidelines and statutory obligations.

The following list of mandatory learning shows the completion frequency.  If required, service areas will notify employees by when they must complete the learning, for example, within the first three months of the financial year.

In addition, service areas will notify employees if further service area specific training applies.

Mandatory learning for all employees Frequency
Mandatory learning for all employees: Corporate induction (for all new employees) Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for all employees: Business World Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for all employees: Action counters terrorism Frequency: Every five financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Information assurance Frequency: Every financial year
Mandatory learning for all employees: Fire safety Frequency: Every financial year
Mandatory learning for all employees: Safeguarding everyone - protecting children, young people and adults at risk Frequency: Every two financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Domestic abuse awareness - short course Frequency: Every two financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Tackling exploitation and modern slavery in Lincolnshire Frequency: Every two financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Friends against scams Frequency: Every two financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Driver assessment toolkit (DAT) Frequency: Every three financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Equality, diversity and inclusion Frequency: Every three financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Prevent (online module) Frequency: Every five financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Prevent (face to face) - only required for public facing staff Frequency: Every five financial years
Mandatory learning for all employees: Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment Frequency: Each time an employee moves work space

Mandatory learning for managers, team leaders and supervisors

In addition to the above corporate mandatory all team leaders, supervisors and managers with line managing responsibilities are required to undertake the following:

Mandatory learning for managers Frequency
Mandatory learning for managers: Corporate managers induction Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for managers: Business World - a manager's guide (e-learning) Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for managers: Recruitment and selection Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for managers: Managing safely in LCC Frequency: Every four financial years
Mandatory learning for managers:
Capability policy and procedure
Managing performance and capability workshop
Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for managers:
Disciplinary policy and procedure
Managing behaviours and conduct workshop
Frequency: One off
Mandatory learning for managers:
Grievance policy and procedure
How to resolve concerns and grievances workshop
Frequency: One of
Mandatory learning for managers:
Sickness absence policy and procedures
Managing health, wellbeing and sickness workshop
Frequency: One off