Business management and financial sustainability
The resources on this page allow you to take steps to consider your business plans and forecast your finances for the future.
We are available to assist anyone thinking about necessary business decisions, to support business change and sustainability. This includes:
- out-of-school provision
- full-day care
- preschools
- childminders
- schools
Whatever stage you are at, if you would like advice, guidance and support from us complete the self-referral.
The early years and childcare team support all types of childcare with their business development. This includes out-of-school provision, full day care, preschools, childminders and schools.
If you are just opening a childcare provision, growing your existing business, or struggling to sustain your business. Advice, guidance and bespoke support is available from Early Years Childcare. Please complete a self-referral.
Below is a list of tools that might help you develop and ensure sustainability. If you would like any of them, please email:
Business health tool kit
A self-reflective tool, designed to support a childcare provider's business by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This tool is available in Excel format.
Cash flow template
A basic template with guidance on completing a cash flow. This template is available in Excel format.
Occupancy calculator and breakeven calculator
Finding the point at which your income and expenditure match is essential to business management. It will allow you to identify trends and take action if occupancy starts to impact sustainability. Available upon request, occupancy calculator in Excel format, a break-even Calculator in Excel and a guidance document in PDF.
Business plan template
If you are opening or growing your business, you will need a business plan. The template and guidance will support you develop your business plan. These are available in a Word and PDF format.
Marketing your setting is essential for growth and sustainability. Look at the bite-sized tutorial on marketing you’re setting for some inspiration. In addition, we have a marketing plan template in Word format. Marketing your childcare business
Local and national resources
- LCC business and consumer advice
- Business Lincolnshire
- Business Planning Zone
Free resources for business planning to support business sustainability from the DfE Foundation Years website. - HUB for Providers
A wealth of free resources and guidnace for childcare providers. - PACEY Business Smart for Childminders
Supports new and established childminders to assess their business sustainability. Looks at whether they could expand their provision of funded childcare. - Toolkit for Early Years childcare providers
- Toolkit for Wraparound childcare providers