Guidance to deliver Early Years Entitlements
The Early Years Entitlement team are here to support providers delivering EYE in Lincolnshire. Please email them with any questions:
Monthly claims
If you are registered to deliver the Early Years Entitlements (EYE), you can access the EYE Hub. This is an online software that allows you to:
- check working parent eligibility codes
- Add child(ren) to your claim for funded childcare
- Maintain child and parent records to maximise use of Early Years Entitlements
Visit the Early Years Provider Hub
Each user will need a secure login and password.
Claims and payments
Providers are sent a claims and payment calendar. This confirms for providers:
- the dates during which providers can add/remove children from their claim
- the dates during which providers can make temporary adjustments to the previous claim
- the number of weeks payable each month and term
This is not a delivery calendar.
Model | Delivery |
Model: Standard | Delivery: Term time only (38 weeks per year) |
Model: Standard | Delivery: Term time and most holidays (47.5 weeks per year) |
Delivery model
Providers must be clear and communicate to Parents' details about the days and times that they offer EYE, along with their services and charges.
If you cannot meet the needs of the parent, you should signpost parents to the Family Services Directory to find other providers.
Parent declaration forms
Providers must have a signed and completed parent declaration form in place for every child on their EYE claim. Providers should add this information to the EYE hub, including the parent details.
Funding terms
Term | Dates |
Term: Spring | Dates: 1 January to 31 March |
Term: Summer | Dates: 1 April to 31 August |
Term: Autumn | Dates: 1 September to 31 December |
When funding can start
When a child reaches the age of eligibility | When you can get your hours from |
When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 September to 31 December | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 January |
When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 January to 31 March | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 April |
When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 April to 31 August | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 September |
Returning to work or starting a new job
If parents plan to return to work following leave or start a new job, they can apply for their eligibility code 31 days before they start work. This may affect their planned date of return to work and that date they will apply for the code.
Date of returning to work | When a child reaches the age of eligibility | When you can get your hours from |
Date of returning to work: 1 October to 31 January | When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 September to 31 December | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 January |
Date of returning to work: 1 February to 30 April | When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 January to 31 March | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 April |
Date of returning to work: 1 May to 30 September | When a child reaches the age of eligibility : 1 April to 31 August | When you can get your hours from: Term starting on or after 1 September |
Additional charges
Providers can charge for additional hours purchased, meals and snacks if theses are offered in addition to the Early Years Entitlements. You can also charge for consumables such as nappies or sun cream and for services such as trips and musical tuition. Invoices must be clear and transparent.
Tax Free Childcare
Tax-Free Childcare is available for eligible working parents to save money on their childcare costs. Eligible working parents with children 11 or under can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children 16 or under).
Parents using the scheme open an online childcare account which they use to pay you directly for childcare. Payments work just as they do through an online bank account. Each payment is accompanied by a reference number for each child so you can identify their payments.
You will only be able to receive Tax-Free Childcare payments from your customers if you’ve signed up to Tax-Free Childcare. Sign up to Tax-Free Childcare if you’re a childcare provider - GOV.UK (
Early Years Provider Training
There are 2 EYE training courses available:
- Using the EYE HUB
- Roles and Responsibilities of being an EYE Provider
These can be booked on Eventbrite. Please contact for the latest training brochure.
Early years provider short training videos
Providers can access a range of short guidance videos to help them deliver the Early Years Entitlements.
Useful links:
- Childcare Choices
- How to apply for working parent entitlements
- Apply here for a code for 2-year-old in receipt of government support
- Family Services Directory
- EYE Hub (provider portal)
- Childcare helpline
- Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)
- EYE Statutory Guidance