HIV and AIDS awareness workshop for Key Stage 3 (KS3) and Key Stage 4 (KS4) students - Stay Safe Partnership

Positive Health

One hour long workshop covering HIV and AIDS awareness for KS3 and KS4 students. This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.


Core Theme - 1 Health and Wellbeing:

  • maintaining sexual, physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing
  • managing risks to sexual, physical and emotional health and wellbeing
  • identifying and accessing advice and support agencies, including local facilities
  • making informed choices about contraceptives to preserve sexual health and wellbeing

Relates to KS3+4 curriculum: 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

Core Theme 2 - Relationships

  • Developing and maintaining a variety of healthy relationships, within a range of social/cultural contexts
  • Identifying and accessing advice and support agencies, including local facilities

Relates to KS3+4 curriculum: 2.1, 2.7

Core Theme 3 - Living in the wider world

  • Recognising rights and responsibilities as members of diverse communities
  • Understanding how to make informed choices

Relates to KS3+4 curriculum: 3.1, 3.2

Service Description

Positive Health Lincolnshire is a provider of sexual health and wellbeing workshops across Lincolnshire, working in partnership with Lincolnshire Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service, Public Health Lincolnshire and Healthy Schools, Lincolnshire.

HIV and AIDS Awareness workshop aims to increase student’s knowledge and awareness of the HIV Virus, looking at:

  • transmission routes
  • impact on long term health
  • risk factors
  • signs
  • symptom
  • treatment, as well as a focus on prevention
  • strategies for keeping safe
  • a condom demonstration

Through group discussion misconceptions surrounding HIV and the stereotypes perceived to be at risk are challenged.  Small group activities draw attention to the influence of the media in reinforcing stigma regarding HIV.  Statistics are used to represent the impact of HIV and AIDS on a global, national and local scale.


These workshops:

  • are available to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • are appropriate  for year 9 -13 pupils
  • can be delivered to individual tutor groups or whole year groups
  • are available to participate in Ace/Aspire Days
  • may be adapted according to the specific learning needs of students

£60 per tutor group. We are also available to deliver to youth groups and colleges; the cost of this will vary according to group size. Some workshops can be delivered free of charge if your setting meets our funding criteria.

Contact and how to book

Book this training

We aim to respond with confirmation within 5 working days. Positive Health will contact you separately re payment arrangements.
