County views survey summary report - winter 2023-24 - vapes

Your thoughts about vaping

In the second part of the survey, we asked about people’s views about vaping.

Question six – Do you smoke or use e-cigarettes (vapes)?

Vape survey


408 respondents (85%) said they do not smoke or use e-cigarettes. 10 respondents (2%) said they currently smoke and 10 respondents (2%) said they smoke and use e-cigarettes (vapes). 39 respondents (8%) said they use e-cigarettes (vapes) as an ex-smoker. Whereas 3 respondents (1%) said they currently use e-cigarettes but have never smoked. 5 respondents (1%) selected prefer not say and 4 respondents (1%) did not provide an answer.


Of non smokers and vapers 46% were aged 65 or over, followed by 39% of respondents aged 45 to 64 and 2% aged 25 to 44.

Of smokers and vapers, 46% of respondents were aged 45 to 64, followed by 31% of respondents aged 65 and over and 22% aged 25 to 44.


Of non-smokers and vapers, 22% of respondents do not have a disability.

Of smokers and vapers, 32% of respondents have a disability.


Of non-smokers and vapers, 20% of respondents were from East Lindsey, 18% were from North Kesteven and 17% were from South Kesteven.

Of smokers and vapers, 39% of respondents were from East Lindsey, 22% from City of Lincoln and 14% from North Kesteven.

Question seven - Did you know that OneYou Lincolnshire offers free nicotine replacement therapy including e-cigarettes (vapes) to smokers to help them quit, as part of their stop smoking service?

Vape survey


310 respondents (65%) did not know that OneYou Lincolnshire offers free nicotine replacement therapy including e-cigarettes (vapes) to smokers to help them quit, as part of their stop smoking service.

160 (33%) respondents knew that OneYou Lincolnshire offered free nicotine replacement therapy including e-cigarettes (vapes) to smokers to help them quit, as part of their stop smoking service.

9 respondents (2%) did not provide an answer.

Of non-smokers and vapers, 31% of respondents said they knew about the service, and 69% of respondents said they did not know about the service.

Of smokers and vapers, 57% of respondents said they knew about the service, and 43% of respondents said they did not know about the service.


When comparing by age, the highest awareness of the service was among respondents aged 45 and over 75% followed by 25% of respondents aged 44 or under.  


The highest awareness of the service was in East Lindsey 25%, the lowest awareness of the service was in South Holland (5%)


Of those with a disability 34% knew about the service and 66% did not know about the service.

Question eight - If you currently vape, which e-cigarettes (vapes) do you currently use?

Vape survey


330 respondents (69%) said they do not currently vape.

52 (11%) respondents said they currently use e-cigarettes (vapes) of which

  • 39 (8%) respondents use re-fillable e-cigarette only
  • 8 (2%) respondents use disposable vapes only
  • 5 (1%) respondents use both, re-fillable cigarette and disposable vapes

95 respondents (20%) did not provide an answer. 2 respondents (0.2%) selected prefer not to say answer.


There was no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by age. 


There was no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by disability. 


There was no difference in responses when comparing by district.

Question nine - What is your opinion on using e-cigarettes (vaping)?

Vape survey


280 respondents (59%) thought it was unsafe, followed by 144 respondents (30%) who thought it was safer than smoking. 6 respondents (1%) thought it was safe and 39 respondents (8%) didn’t know. 10 respondents (2%) not provided an answer.

Of non-smokers and vapers, 69% said it was unsafe, 23% said it was safer than smoking, 8% of respondents did not know.

Of smokers and vapers, 82% said it was safer than smoking, 8% of respondents did not know. 7% respondents said it was unsafe.


There is no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by age. 


There is no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by disability. 


There was no difference in responses when comparing by district.

Question ten - Whether you use e-cigarettes (vapes) or not, how would you dispose of an e-cigarette that is no longer needed?

Vape survey




133 respondents (27%) I didn’t know how to dispose of an e-cigarette that is no longer needed. 109 (22%) respondents said they would put it in the general waste bin at home or a litter bin in the street. 100 (20%) respondents would take it to the battery recycling point at a shop. 77 (16%) respondents would take it to the recycling centre (tip). 31 respondents (6%) said they would put it in the recycling bin at home. 29 (6%) selected other. 13 respondents (2%) not provided an answer.

The suggestions within the other option included the following responses:

  • Vape shop / shop they bought the e-cigarette / supermarket - 4 responses
  • General waste bin/litter bin – 3 responses
  • Tip / WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) point – 3 responses
  • To be disposed separately by litter pick organiser – 1 response

Of non-smokers and vapers, 31% of respondents said they did not know, 23% said they would put it in the general waste bin at home or a litter bin in the street and 20% said they respondents would take it to the battery recycling point at a shop.

Of smokers and vapers, 32% of respondents said they would take it to the battery recycling point at a shop. 27% of respondents said they would put it in the general waste bin at home or a litter bin in the street. 23% of respondents they would take it to the take it to the recycling centre (tip) which indicates a slight difference when comparing to overall results.


There is no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by age. 


There is no difference in responses among respondents when comparing by age. 


There was a slight difference in top three responses among respondents from South Kesteven district. 28% of respondents from South Kesteven district area said that would take it to the battery recycling point at a shop. 25% of respondents said they did not know how to dispose of an e-cigarette that is no longer needed and 19% of respondents said they would put it in the general waste bin at home or a litter bin in the street.