Introduction and scope
We have a zero tolerance stance to all forms of fraud, bribery, corruption and theft. This includes within the authority and from external sources. We recognise fraud can:
- undermine the standards of public service that we are attempting to achieve
- reduce the level of resources and services available for the residents of Lincolnshire
- result in major consequences which reduce public confidence in us
We are committed to the highest possible standards of:
- openness
- probity
- honesty
- integrity
- accountability
We expect all staff, councillors and partners to apply these standards. The standards are included in our code of conduct. They are supported by our values to be:
- professional
- respectful
- resourceful
- reflective
We will protect our resources from risks of fraud and corruption. We will seek to deter and prevent fraud, corruption and theft to ensure that all risks in these areas are reduced to the lowest level possible. Where we suspect or detect fraud, corruption or theft we will thoroughly investigate and deal with any proven fraud in a consistent and balanced way. We will apply appropriate sanctions against those committing fraud and will attempt to recover all losses.
Fraud is a deliberate deception intended to provide a direct or indirect personal gain. The term fraud can include:
- criminal deception
- forgery
- blackmail
- corruption
- conspiracy
- the covering up of material facts and collusion
By using deception a fraudster can:
- obtain an advantage
- avoid an obligation
- cause loss to another party
Bribery means offering, promising, giving, demanding or accepting an unearned reward to influence an official to gain advantage. This can include:
- gifts
- hospitality
- fees
- rewards
- jobs
- favours
- preferential treatments
Bribery is a form of corruption.
Corruption is the deliberate misuse of your position for direct or indirect personal gain. Corruption includes offering, giving, requesting or accepting a bribe or reward, which influences your actions or the actions of someone else.
The Bribery Act 2010 makes it possible for senior officers to be convicted where they are deemed to have given their consent or tacit approval in giving or receiving a bribe. It also created the corporate offence of 'Failing to prevent bribery on behalf of a commercial organisation' (corporate liability). The Act requires organisations to have 'adequate procedures in place to prevent bribery.' This policy and our code of conduct and whistleblowing policy are designed to meet that requirement.
Theft is where someone steals cash or other property. A person is guilty of theft if he or she dishonestly takes property belonging to someone else and has no intention of returning it.
This policy applies to:
- all our employees and Councillors
- staff and committee members of Council funded voluntary organisations
- our partners
- our suppliers, contractors and consultants
- our residents