Finding accommodation
There are different housing options available in Lincolnshire, some with support included and some without. Ultimately, you will decide what accommodation to accept but we will be considering your needs and your level of life skills to ensure the accommodation offered to you is suitable and appropriate. We will also liaise with housing on your behalf to ensure that your views are listened to and accounted for throughout the process.
Staying with foster carers after you have turned 18 is called staying put, you can stay with your foster carer until you are 21 if this is agreed.
There are lots of different types of supported housing options available to you, depending on your level of need. We will make sure you understand the options available to you and encourage you to accept housing which we believe is in your best interests. If you have any questions just reach out to us and we are here to help
If you are under 18 and find yourself in difficulty and homeless, district councils will ensure you are safely supported.
Housing team contacts
District council | Contact details |
District council: Boston Housing Options Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01205 314200 |
District council: East Lindsey Housing Advice Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01507 613135 |
District council: City of Lincoln Housing Solutions Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01522 873777 |
District council: North Kesteven Housing Options Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01529 414155 |
District council: South Holland Housing Options Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01775 761161 |
District council: South Kesteven Housing Solutions Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01476 40608 |
District council: West Lindsey Home Choices Team | Contact details: Email: Call: 01427 676676 |
You should get legal advice if the council:
- refuses to take a homelessness application
- offers housing that you feel is not suitable
- make you intentionally homeless. Speak to your leaving care worker or social worker, as there is an agreement with all councils that no care leaver will be considered intentionally homeless without a multi agency meeting and your support network. Do not let anyone say you are intentionally homeless
Here is a protocol about how we are all working together to support you
Do not refuse any housing that you are offered until you have spoken to your leaving care worker
Homelessness prevention for 16 to 25-year-olds
We work with district councils to support to young people.
As long as it is safe, you are generally better off living at home or within your family and planning when to move.
Homelessness at a young age should be avoided wherever possible. This includes leaving home in an unplanned way with nowhere to go.
Living alone at an early age can be lonely and stressful. Plan ahead and do not leave in a hurry and make sure you seek support.
Lincolnshire care leavers homeless prevention (CLHP) provides support to children in care and care leavers aged 18 to 25 across Lincolnshire to find and maintain suitable housing.
They operate across all districts in Lincolnshire.
The team focus on exploring opportunities and ensuring earlier accommodation planning for those who have left care, or are leaving care, and require support to sustain their accommodation or to find suitable accommodation.
Lincolnshire CLHP is open to all Lincolnshire children in care and care leavers who are homeless or in unsuitable accommodation, or those who require some housing related support to maintain their accommodation.
Referrals and applications should be made via telephone or email.
If you are homeless or immediately struggling, then contact Lincolnshire homeless prevention team or speak to your leaving care worker