Have your say
We want to hear what you have to say so that we can improve our support and services.
There are several participation groups you can get involved with. All involvement is free and will help boost your CV and give valuable things to speak about at interviews. Additionally, there are other rewards through the various activities and away days
- Lincolnshire Young Voices is a forum for young people and young adults (14-25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Their motto is ‘together our voices make a difference’. The group is lead by two co-chairs and there is further information and a short video on the page
- Young Inspectors programme where young people plan and inspect services and complete reports to feedback to managers on their findings. They also do lots of engagement work with professionals in the local authority and its partners.
- Voices4Choices is Lincolnshire’s children in care council – a council for young people aged 11 to 18 years, who are in the care of the local authority. It represents children and young people's views to corporate parents and Children’s Services teams and works on projects related to being in care.
- participation with Barnardo’s – Barnardo’s run many participation events including trips, social events. We will support in influencing national decisions (including visiting London), cooking skills classes and events which aim to gather you views and voice. You can contact Holly Byrne at Barnardo's for more information, or call 01522 575955 and ask to speak to a member of the participation team.
If you want to get involved, speak with your leaving care worker.
How to deal with a problem or make a complaint
We know it's not always easy to speak out. However, it's your right to say how you feel about things that affect you and to be heard. You could try talking to:
- your social worker
- your leaving care worker
- someone who looks after you
If you wish to make a complaint or compliment someone, call us on 01522 575955 and ask to talk to the leaving care service manager.