
About us

V4C is the name for our children in care council. The group is for all children and young people with care experience. We talk about the issues that are important to us, as children and young people, to help improve things for everyone.

What you can expect from being part of V4C

  • to talk about issues and share your views and ideas
  • guest speakers can be invited to come and talk to the group
  • to push for changes and make things better for children in care
  • a supportive mix of young people with similar experiences
  • help develop confidence, learn new things and add to your CV
  • do activities and have fun!


Meetings take place around the county, depending on where the majority live with food provided. Transport can be organised through carers and key workers should you need support. On occasions, online meetings are organised.

Contact us

To find out more and to come along to a meeting contact us by email. You can also speak to your carers or social worker about joining. We welcome any new participants, and you can get involved as much as you want at your own pace!