Apply to become a licensed venue

Please read the following before proceeding

There are statutory requirements and conditions applied to these licences. Please ensure you have read the requirements of holding a licence outlined on our website (opens in new window), and use the Venue Checklist (opens in new window) before you apply.

Your application is accepted under the following conditions:

  • the premises are to be approved and registered for regular use as a venue for the solemnisation of marriages, civil partnerships and celebratory ceremonies. 
  • the premises must be a seemly and dignified venue for the proceedings. 
  • the room or rooms which the proceedings will be held must be identified by description as a distinct part of the premises.
  • the building must have no recent or continuing religious connection.

I understand that:

  • the cost of a licence for one room within the premises is £1500, additional rooms will be at a further cost of £50 per room.  To be paid on application.
  • the premises will be inspected for suitability before approval is granted.  All approved premises may be subject to subsequent inspections during their term of licence.
  • public notice of the application will be given by an online directory entry on Lincolnshire County Council's website. A period of 21 days will be allowed for objections. View public notices (opens in new window)
  • if a licence is issued it will be valid for 3 years subject to revocation.
  • the premises must satisfy the local authority on fire precautions and health and safety provisions. 
  • all ceremonies must take place in a licenced room or agreed outside space which has been granted approval for the solemnisation of Marriages, Civil Partnerships and Celebratory Ceremonies. 
  • every effort should be made to comply with disabled access requirements. It is accepted that this may not always be possible given the age, construction and style of a building.

I declare that:

  • I have read and understood the licence requirements and conditions document.
  • the building has no recent or continuing religious connection.
  • I have consulted the planning authority.
  • if a licence is granted the premises will be regularly available for public use as a ceremony venue.
  • if a licence is granted I will comply with the standard conditions and any local conditions attached to that grant of approval.
I declare I have read and confirm the above conditions Required

Thank you for considering licensing your venue for Civil Ceremonies and Partnerships. Should you have any questions please contact our ceremonies team prior to application: