Do you suspect your child has hearing loss and needs help?

Help when preparing for adulthood

The teachers of the deaf work closely with audiology colleagues in local audiology departments.

Teachers of the deaf will support students with an independent skills checker, which is a teaching programme focussing on  independence. By the end of this programme, students should be able to check and maintain their own equipment and make their own appointments.

At 16, the young person will sign their own consent form to work with the teachers of the deaf and to enable sharing of information with families and audiology.


Paediatric to adult SEST and audiology transition pathway

SEST Age Audiology
  • Independent skills checker - copy of transition to adulthood skills sent home with pupil and emailed to parents 
  • tod - programme of independence skills to teach - need to have achieved level 9-10 skills
  • need to let audiology know preferred communication method
14 years old - year 9 Routine paediatric hearing aid Follow up appointment· 
If Young person is developmentally ready, begin giving early transition written and verbal information
-record preferred communication method
  • post-16 consent form signed
  • skills checker updated
  • open afternoon wth audiology dept - leaflet given or emailed
  • questionnaire for feedback -QR code 
16 years old - year 11 Young persons group transition review·
- all YP not just SEST caseload  
- SEST member of staff present
Named transition audiologist present
  • tod ensures that pupil can make contact with audiology - role play emails, texts, phone calls 
18 years old - year 13 Final paediatric audiology review
  • appointment with named transition audiologist
  • review of hearing loss and hearing aids 
  • personalised transition document given to young person 
  • tod checks appointment attended
  • supports pupil to make appointment if not happened
6 months later First adult hearing aid review
  • letter of request sent to young adult to book appointment or text reminder
  • appointment with named transition audiologist
  1 year later Second adult hearing aid review
  • letter of request sent to young adult to book appointment
  • appointment with named transition audiologist, text reminder
    Young adult transitioned to adult service
  • young person to book as and when needed. No further reminders posted
  • future bookings on any adult audiologist

Note this pathway is specific to Lincoln and Boston audiology departments. Others may differ slightly