We want to make sure that children, young people their families and the professionals working with them:
- have access to information and advice
- are aware of local services that can support them when they are experiencing emotional wellbeing, mental health or behavioural concerns.
We aim to provide them and their families with better access to the right support at the right time.
Lincolnshire local transformation plan for children and young people's emotional wellbeing and mental health has been updated.
How to get help
To get advice about mental health issues, contact:
- Child and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) for self help advice, services and where to access them
- Kooth
- Lincolnshire Here4You 24 hour advice line
To find more organisations who might be able to help, search our directory or follow the pathway
Information for parents
If you think your child has a mental health problem or development disorder, speak to your:
- GP
- child's teacher or the special educational needs co-ordinator
- health visitor
If your child is over 18 years old, your doctor will refer you to adult mental health services.