You said, we did

What you said, we did?

We are constantly making the Local Offer and family services directory work better for you.

These are some of the comments we have received, and what we have done about them.

If you have a suggestion on how we can improve this service, please let us know

You said:

My child's needs are not understood and she has to continually explain when attending hospital. 

We did:

explained the Healthcare Pass-port and mum asked for help with this so I printed one and together we completed it.

You said:

An autistic young person was struggling with their CAMHS appointments— different days and times.

We did:

Appointments were made at the same time and day every week and printed in advance.

You said:

Young carers said they want more opportunities to cook within group, not just baking.

We did:

Group session was set so young carers could plan and prepare their own two-course meal and serve this at the next session.

Information pages layout

You said: 

"Some of the text can be hard to read if I'm looking at it on my mobile"
"All of the pages look a bit different – it looks a bit messy"
"I've found the page I was looking for but not where I expected it to be"
"My child cannot use his screen reader with some of the links on the page"
"There are a lot of words, not enough videos" 

We did:  

We have rewritten every information page, to make it easier to read and more accessible. This is based upon the accessible communication formats guidance from
We have set the format of the page to allow for screen readers to easily read our links – this means including them as part of the sentence and not using the 'please follow this link' style.
We have moved away from the platform the Local Offer was on, and put it onto a new, easier to navigate area. 
We have filmed some videos for the site, starring Lincolnshire's young people. These will enhance understanding.

Directory feedback

You said:

The directory is looking old, and not easy to find

We did:

The directory has had a full refresh, and also put on a new, easier to remember domain 

You said:

How to do I create a page? What is a record? How do I advertise with you? 

We did:

Some of the most common questions we receive are around how to use our system and how to advertise. We have created a support and guides page that currently holds a user-friendly guide with both task steps and screenshots.

You said:

I want to tell parents that I work during the holidays but I don't know where to put it. 

We did:

We have updated the amount of information areas you can fill in, and have made sure you have to fill them in to continue.

You said:

'How do I use the FSD?' 'What is the best way for people to find my page?' 'How do I put down how much my services cost?' Frequently asked

We did:

Questions about the basic nature of the Family Services Directory are some of the most common queries that we receive. We offer both personalised emails and automated instruction emails with links for all of the most expected queries to do with using the Family Services Directory.

You said:

I couldn’t find what I was looking for because it was under a different name 

We did:

We have updated and widened our keyword options for each section, and we regularly go back and look for any searches that commonly do not receive results when they are searched for, and then update them.