Consultation on the proposed development of SEND Hubs in mainstream schools

Have your say

We welcome your comments on this exciting proposal to further develop Lincolnshire’s educational provision to create nurturing, inclusive environments where every child and young person can succeed.

The comments will need to be submitted by Monday 10 February 2025 for academies, Monday 17 February for LA maintained schools. If you would like to discuss these proposals further before responding, then please contact the SEND and inclusion team using the contact details provided below.
Responses can be either submitted through a simple online survey or in writing. A consultation response form is available on request from the school organisation team. Paper response forms should be returned by the deadline to either the school office or directly to the school organisation team.

Please choose the relevant survey below

Further information related to this proposal and the consultation will be published online 

Email the SEND and inclusion team

Email the school organisation team

or write to school organisation planning team, Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YQ.