Universal Credits

If you pay for childcare while you go to work, Universal Credit can pay some of your childcare costs. This includes holiday clubs, after-school clubs, and breakfast clubs.

If you live with a partner, you both need to be in paid work, unless your partner cannot look after your children. It does not matter how many hours you work – there is no minimum.

It must be paid work, so you are not eligible if you are volunteering and only getting money for expenses.

If you are on maternity, paternity, or adoption leave, you may also be eligible if you are getting one of:

  • Statutory Maternity Pay
  • Statutory Paternity Pay
  • Statutory Shared Parental Pay
  • Statutory Adoption Pay
  • Maternity Allowance

You can claim childcare costs for all the children you are responsible for, until the 31 August after their 16th birthday.

You may also be able to use one of the other childcare costs schemes. To find out more visit Childcare Choices.

You cannot use Tax-Free Childcare if you are on Universal Credit.

Contact Universal Credit