Children with disabilities occupational therapy team

What we do

We provide an occupational therapy assessment. Following this we offer support via advice and information, through prescription of specialist equipment or by recommending home adaptations. This includes:

  • prescription of equipment or home adaptation to enable personal care (such as bathing and toileting).
  • postural support via specialist seating to enable access to tabletop activities including mealtimes, and play
  • access to and within the home
  • safe methods of transfer (moving and handling)
  • advice on altering routines or practices to reduce the impact of a disability
  • identifying methods to minimise risks where there is a lack of safety awareness or behaviour that challenges.

Our recommendations and prescriptions are based on the following principles:

  • to maximise the opportunities for children and young people to maintain their independence in activities of daily living
  • to enable children and young people to acquire and build daily living skills
  • children and young people participate in the decision-making process linked to occupational therapy interventions 
  • provision or recommendations will be the least restrictive option available to ensure safety

If appropriate we schedule reviews of provision or recommendations. This is to ensure that any equipment or adaptation remains appropriate for the level of need and to reflect changes as a child or young person grows and develops.

Not all needs arising from a disability or medical condition require specialist occupational therapy intervention or it may be more appropriate for us to signpost you to another organisation or service. We support and encourage access to universal provision to support equality of access to services.