Showcase LSE trailblazer information
‘Showcase’ LSE Trailblazer Information
We have launched an exciting new employment programme ‘Showcase’ which aims to support 60 adults in Lincolnshire who have a learning disability or autism into sustained paid employment. Funded by the DWP until March 2025, the local supported employment trailblazer goes live in January 2023.
Using the already established five stage supported employment model, the maximising independence team within our adult services will provide this service to eligible participants. The job coaches will adopt a person-centred approach with participants to find paid employment through the following means:
- working collaboratively to identify what skills, experiences, talents and strengths participants have by arranging short term unpaid work tasters
- support to look and apply for the right job
- contact and negotiate with employers on the participants behalf
- provide advice and guidance on benefits and the impact of work on participant finances
- support to understand and resolve issues relating to benefits or employment
- support to prepare a CV, complete application forms and prepare for interviews
- support the participant to apply for funding for equipment, adjustments in the workplace, ongoing support with their job or travel to work, through the Access to Work scheme
- support the participant to learn the job and settle into the role with support in the workplace if needed at the start of employment. If required, a signer or interpreter can be arranged
Participant eligibility
To be able to participate on the LSE programme, the person must meet the following criteria:
- the participant wants to find paid employment
- the participant must be over 18
- the participant must have a learning disability, autism or any individuals who have a learning difficulty who meet the Equality Act 2010 definition of disability
- the participant must be economically inactive (not in paid employment or paid self-employment).
- the participant must not be on another DWP contracted employment programme or provision. They must also not be on another programme or provision delivered by another government department, charitable trust, or third party.
- the participant must show willingness and understand the benefit of participating in LSE to find and sustain paid work.
- the participant is entitled to public funds, for example, welfare benefits.
More information
To find out more information about the Showcase programme, please email us