Going to school in Lincolnshire guide

School transport

School transport

If school transport is an important factor when choosing a school, you must read the school and college transport policy. This will help you to check if your child will be eligible. If you need further advice, please contact us.

The school transport policy and school admissions policy use different measurements to define the closest school. You should consider this when deciding in which order to list schools. It cannot be assumed that transport will be provided if you do not qualify against the policy.

A transport entitlement will be approved if you:

  • live within the boundary of the designated transport area of a school
  • choose a nearer school, but the distance between your home address and the school meets the distance criterion

The distance between your home address and school must be:

  • primary schools - more than two miles (3,218 metres)
  • secondary schools - more than three miles (4,827 metres)

Distances are measured by the shortest walking and driving routes. For primary schools the distances are:

  • walking is up to two miles
  • driving over two miles

For secondary schools the distances are:

  • walking up to three miles
  • driving over three miles

We do not provide transport to nursery schools or early years providers. Children become eligible for free school transport in the year in which they are five and provided they meet the conditions of the home to school transport policy.

If you are on low income or in receipt of certain benefits we may provide school transport to a secondary school. To quality your child must:

  • attend one of their three nearest suitable secondary schools
  • live between two and six miles from the school, measured by the shortest driving distance

Children from low-income families may also receive transport to the nearest secondary faith school chosen on the grounds of religion or belief. To qualify the child must:

  • attend their nearest relevant school
  • live more than two but not more than fifteen miles from the school, measured by the shortest driving distance