Accommodation options
If you find it challenging to manage in your current home. You may be thinking of moving to someplace where you will feel safe or get more support. There are several options for you to consider:
- extra care housing
- supported living is where you can get support to live as independently as possible
- shared lives placement is where you can live locally with another family and get help from a carer
Supported tenancy
A supported tenant shares a home with someone who has a learning disability. You can live together as:
- friends
- flatmates
- couple
Household tasks and bills are shared between whoever lives in the house. The supported tenant agrees with the care provider about doing additional things to help the person with the disability. They can help the person live more independently than otherwise possible
Buy to rent
Buy to rent is where a parent, or other close relatives, buys or builds property and then rents it out to their son, daughter, or other family members. The property can be adapted as needed and be a:
- house
- flat
- bungalow, which can be built in the garden of the family home.
Collective ownership
Parents can join together when they feel there is no suitable accommodation locally. It is known as collective ownership.
There are different ways of doing this, such as:
- joint ownership of up to four families
- forming a company if there are more than four families
- setting up an unregistered housing association
Families who combine are most likely to buy a small shared house or develop a small block of self-contained flats with communal facilities, such as:
- meeting room
- lounge
- kitchen area
Collective ownership is managed and arranged by families themselves. The group can decide together what they would like the arrangement to be.
Shared ownership
Shared ownership is where you buy part of a property, usually between 25% and 75%. For the part that you do not own, you must pay rent.
Types of shared ownerships available:
To buy a home through a shared ownership scheme, you will need to contact the help to buy agent for Lincolnshire.
You can find more information on shared ownership from my safe home.
For further information and guidance on housing options:
Planning for the future
If your circumstances change due to age or illness, you may need to decide to move home in the future. Planning for your future accommodation needs and costs is essential to avoid wrong decisions being made in a crisis.
For free advice and information about housing and care options, visit the elderly accommodation counsel.
For further information and advice, read about paying for your care.
Housing adaptations
Equipment and adaptations are available, which may help you stay independent. There is also support available to help you choose the right equipment or adaptation to suit your needs.